Panacea wrote:OK, maybe I'm just a hopelessly conservative, square, stick-in-the-mud, but I have to say I'm SEVERELY disappointed in the boys.

They played "Passage to Bangkok" in the encore, and I've not listened to it much because the subject matter makes me uncomfortable. It's a GREAT song, and rocks, and it's my own personal little hangup that I'm not comfortable with the whole illegal drug thing. I can deal with that--other folk don't have to share my worldview.
I don't mind that they played the song, but I really hated how the video that went with the song totally glorified/made marijuana use ok with the video of marijuana plants and people smoking it and acting goofy. I've always said I could take my kids to a Rush show without ever worrying about what they'd see from the band, and now I've been proven wrong.
I'm planning to make this our family bathroom break song, and we will for sure have a discussion about why pot is illegal and why they will be killed painfully by their parents if they ever use it.

I'm just reaaaaallly disappointed in the boys for digressing from their usual family-friendly format.

Am I an idiot for feeling this way?
No, you're not an idiot Pan, but (they have so many fans to
please that) ya gotta take the good with the bad.
My folks went BALLISTIC when they heard it in my room as a
young buck.
That (and Aerosmith's "Big Ten Inch") almost got my system thrown
out the door and into the front yard...
The honor roll postings kept me in their good graces, so they
finally lightened up when they saw I wasn't becoming a menace
to society. I turned out okay...
...but that's a matter of interpretation!

You stick to your guns. Nobody's gonna fault you for your beliefs,
and if they do.....tell 'em to pack sand.
But truth be known, it's nothing they haven't seen before.
You're a concerned parent. Wish there were millions more like ya.

Don't start none...won't be none.