Okay, I bought the book and started reading it but haven't had much time to really sit and enjoy. I'm about 100 pages in so far and loving it!
Mom is in town this week and she knocked the book out in about 3 days. Her thoughts?
Mom: "He writes so smoothly. It's like he's sitting there, talking to you." (Oh Mom, don't I wish!)
Anyway, she kept bringing up things in conversation that she read in the book, things she found funny, interesting, amazing.
Then tonight we are just chilling out and she says, "So you saw that R30 show?"
Me: "Three times, Mom."
Mom: "So you saw the Jerry Stiller bit and the dryers?"
Me: "Yup!"
Mom: "I wish I could have seen that!"
Me: "I have it on dvd, Mom."
Mom: "Oh? Can we watch?"
Me: "OKAY!"
Then Mom and I proceded to watch most of R30.

She loved Earthshine

, Resist / Heart Full of Soul, the drum solo, the intro / medley... Mini came and joined us for Roll the Bones. Mini-Mini (Mini's wee sis) whined from upstairs that we had it up too loud.
After the concert, we put on the interviews and she was just all

through the Juno Hall of Fame induction.
She has put up with my Rush addiction for over 25 years and she's still the coolest Rush Mom out there (except for me of course

). I love ya, Mom!!!

I don't have faith in faith, I don't believe in belief, You can call me faithless, I still cling to hope, And I believe in love, And that's faith enough for me... Neil Peart