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Neil In a Movie
Moderator: Priests of Syrinx
I don't think the movie will ever come out. Just a running joke by the creators of ATHF. Geddy Lee, well his name, was featured in the Spirit Formation Journey Anniversity episode (Birthday Ep.). But they had a really bad imitation of his "singing". Zach Wylde was in that episode. Glenn Danzig appeared in another episode, so they get a few people to guest.

I hope this picture shows up...this is from the above referenced episode.

I hope this picture shows up...this is from the above referenced episode.
It doesn't matter the now anyway....
According to a posting on the RUSH fan site Power Windows, RUSH fans will have to wait for Neil Peart's big-screen voice debut awhile longer. Originally expected to be in theaters this fall, the "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" movie has been delayed until February 2007, with some people speculating that it will in fact be released straight to DVD due to poor expectations of ticket sales. In a January 2006 interview with creators Matt Maeillaro and Dave Willis, Maeillaro stated "We got Neil Peart to be in it. The drummer from RUSH. No, we didn't get Geddy Lee. We didn?t need him for this. We're waiting for the sequel for Geddy Lee," while Willis quipped, "We're done with Geddy Lee. Geddy Lee missed his opportunity. Now we'll put everyone in the movie, but Geddy Lee."
According to a posting on the RUSH fan site Power Windows, RUSH fans will have to wait for Neil Peart's big-screen voice debut awhile longer. Originally expected to be in theaters this fall, the "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" movie has been delayed until February 2007, with some people speculating that it will in fact be released straight to DVD due to poor expectations of ticket sales. In a January 2006 interview with creators Matt Maeillaro and Dave Willis, Maeillaro stated "We got Neil Peart to be in it. The drummer from RUSH. No, we didn't get Geddy Lee. We didn?t need him for this. We're waiting for the sequel for Geddy Lee," while Willis quipped, "We're done with Geddy Lee. Geddy Lee missed his opportunity. Now we'll put everyone in the movie, but Geddy Lee."
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