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this made me laugh..

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:10 am
by schuette
this place was slow :evil: I went for a browse about.
I tried an online test site thingy....and did the Depression Test.....after being told that I was not depressed....phewwwww :roll: ....there was hints and shit about what to do if you were depressed.
To me anyway ...this is funny as :lol: ....ohhhhh to live in a world with rose-tinted glasses....

10 ways to be and stay happy

1. Make a list of things that make you happy. Focusing on what makes us happy has a way of, well... making us happy!
2. Keep things in perspective. Think back to other times that you felt this down - did they always warrant such a strong reaction? This is not to beat yourself up about the past, but to realize that you have and can again survive situations that you thought were too much too handle.
3. Imagine yourself smiling. Smiling sends an internal message that all is well. Go ahead -- What have you got to lose, a bad mood?
4. Be here now! Take small steps. If, for example, your mood may brighten just by stepping outside routine, and reaching for a small spontaneous moment. Here's a hint: Start small. Watch puppies, kittens and small children. Watch...and learn.
5. Release anger, envy & resentment! This are self-destructive. We hold them, intending to throw them at someone, but they never really leave us.
6. Forgive! Forgiveness is something we do as much for our own healing as for that of the other. It is NOT acceptance of abuse or permission for an action, but a release of an act's affect on you.
7. Let go and laugh. When you feel negativity building, seek out the things that make you laugh - a funny movie, a joke, a favorite website, a goofy friend -or plan a "mood music get together" with friends: Score each other one point for thinking up true 'Feel-Good' songs. (e.g. "I Feel Good"--James Brown).
8. Write Thank You notes! Keep a journal of all the people and things you are thankful for. This is especially helpful on rough days. Why not take five minutes and contribute to someone else's happiness? You will like yourself better for doing it which is, by the way, one of the true secrets to happiness!
9. Avoid depression triggers. If there are unhealthy people or places in your life, consider decreasing their role. You'll find that the better you feel about yourself, the more naturally this will occur: If you treat yourself well, you won't settle for anyone that doesn't.
10. Shake that body! Exercise is a great way to avoid or alleviate depressive symptoms. The body and mind are strongly connected, and neglecting either will have negative consequences. You may want to join an aerobics class where you can meet new people or take up yoga or meditation.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 9:14 am
by wcp
well that's interesting, hmm wonder if it works.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:02 am
by Aerosmitten
wcp wrote:well that's interesting, hmm wonder if it works.
Dunno....why don't you find out and tell me, eh?

*Stalking Craiggy-poo*

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 7:49 am
by Sir Red
Very Interesting

The only way to be and stay happy

Stay Drunk and avoid the hangover.... :twisted: :twisted:


Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 11:54 am
by Tommy43sl
whats the secret to avoiding a hangover,, Stay Drunk????? :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 4:07 pm
by PV
At the risk of sounding lame and getting ripped apart here, let me just say I have to agree with this list. Well, all except for the exercise one. :lol:

I am always being "accused" of being Miss Half Glass Full and my current job is to help a dear dear friend learn to Find the Good in all situations. For example... Running around unsuccessfully to find something at the store could be looked not as a waste of time but as time out of the house alone and not dealing with kids. :lol:

I have learned that getting stressed over things you simply can't control and holding grudges do no good what-so-ever. Just let it go! I feel I am a pretty happy person and I love life. It's so much nicer this way! I've tried the Spazzing Method and it's simply too much work. I'm not up for that. I have better things to do with my time! Like play here? :oops:

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 4:39 pm
by Panacea
We can be lame together, PV, because I agree with the list too. :D Many of those are good suggestions. I have a dear friend helping me learn not to spazz, and it really does make life easier. Also, I think most of us at By-Tor will say we are glad you choose to spend your time playing here! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 5:29 pm
by Sympho

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:28 am
by Big Blue Owl
What a cool thread. One of the oldest around and one of the most helpful.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:54 am
by awip2062
I thought that Schu had come back because when I opened it today I saw it said the post was made on 20 November, but then I saw the year.

She posted this five years ago today! LOL

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:23 pm
by Big Blue Owl
Wow, I hadn't even noticed that! Schpooky. :shock: