Hello , it's me... again.
Come to regale you all with my wit and English charm. Been soooo busy af late with work, decorating, my drums AND real life!
Been having a good browse at the mo', looking forward to finally uploading the fabled bootleg I was talking about recently and generally improving the site as usual
only another eighty odd days til I see Rush at Birmingham
Hey, Ogg... nice to see you stopped in for another pit stop. Got any pictures of that paint job on your drums? Did you see the new raps for drum kits yet? I think they are kind of lame myself.
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.
Now L'ite, your youthful exuberance cannot hope to compete with my wizened English charm, gentlemen's etiquette and the wit of my nation behind me.
Yes, you may covet my smiley from Asmitten but know that one day you will find one of your very own.
Ogg wrote:Now L'ite, your youthful exuberance cannot hope to compete with my wizened English charm, gentlemen's etiquette and the wit of my nation behind me.