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Hell in a Handbasket

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:03 am
by EndlesslyRocking
I came across this story this morning. It may be the most cynical, disgusting thing I've read in a long time. Have we simply abandoned all concepts of personal responsibility? Is there truly no one left in America who is not completely consumed by the culture of victimhood?

I am completely, utterly stunned....

June 1, 2004

Slave syndrome argued in boy's death

The Associated Press

HILLSBORO - A 2-year-old boy lost his life because his father suffered from post traumatic slave syndrome and could not see the error of his violent ways, a Portland lawyer says.

Randall Vogt said he will argue - ``in a general way'' - that masters beat slaves, so his client, Isaac Cortez Bynum, was justified in beating his son.

The father is charged with murder by abuse in the June 30 death of his son, Ryshawn Lamar Bynum. An autopsy found the boy died of a brain injury and had a broken neck, broken ribs and as many as 70 whip marks on his legs, buttocks, back and chest that were of various ages.

Bynum told police he hit his son with a watch strap during toilet-training. He said the day before the boy died, he was playing ``helicopter,'' swinging his son around the room, when the boy hit his head on a table.

``He had a traditional, Southern, small-town, working-class upbringing where whuppin' was accepted,'' Vogt said. ``Whether that was abusive or not, that is in the eye of the beholder. He was raised differently than your typical kid in Beaverton.''

The slave syndrome is an untested theory that has never been offered in court. It comes from Joy DeGruy-Leary, an assistant professor in the Portland State University Graduate School of Social Work.

DeGruy-Leary testified earlier this month that blacks are affected by past centuries of U.S. slavery because the original slaves were never treated for the trauma of seeing relatives whipped, raped and killed.

Because blacks never got a chance to heal and still face oppression, they suffer from multigenerational trauma - and violent or aggressive behavior often results, she said.

Washington County Judge Nancy Campbell recently threw out DeGruy-Leary's pretrial testimony, noting that the theory has not been proven.

But the judge said she would reconsider the defense for Bynum's September trial if his lawyer can show the slave theory is a valid, scientifically grounded mental disorder and specifically applies to this case.

``I think it can be proven,'' Vogt said. ``The problem is it's brand new. It's not as easy to present in court as something that's been established over years.''

The judge also said the defense would have to show Bynum, who grew up in Mississippi, has slave syndrome.

Besides a doctorate in social work research, DeGruy-Leary has a master's degree in clinical psychology. She said she can offer counseling but is not licensed to diagnose anyone.

``Post traumatic slave syndrome is rather unique; it's not that everybody has it,'' DeGruy-Leary testified. ``If you are African-American and you are living in America, you have been impacted.''

Under cross-examination by Robert Hull, Washington County senior deputy district attorney, DeGruy-Leary viewed Ryshawn Bynum's autopsy photos.

Calling the boy's injuries excessive, DeGruy-Leary said she would have reported them. But in many black households, such discipline ``is extremely common,'' she said.

``It falls in the rubric of what they think is normal.''

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:08 am
by Soup4Rush

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:25 am
by Mr. Potatoe Head
``It falls in the rubric of what they think is normal.''

Bull Shit!

In the box with you, I'll be back in a year to scrape your miserable bones up off the floor then! :twisted:

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:08 am
by funky cm
when will people learn to take responsibility for their actions?

Somewhere out there there is a "syndrome" or "disease" that can mask the fact that you just killed your kid! I have a "syndrome", take pity on me... No one can do anything wrong. There's always somebody else to blame- their parents, their culture, McDonalds, anything on television, their "illness". I didn't kill my child... my culture did. Give us all a break.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:53 am
by by-tor
Right after we convict the father for killing his kid, how bout we convict the lawyer and 'doctor' who are cooking up this scheme?

Now there's an argument for capital punishment!

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 2:18 pm
by Aerosmitten
So can I make up a syndrome and then scalp people and have it be ok?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 5:25 pm
by Death Rattle
A 2-year-old boy lost his life because his father suffered from post traumatic slave syndrome
Thats funny how they blame it on the illness, and not the father. How rediculous.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:27 pm
by LisaBug2112
I will tell you it is truly BS alright, my ex husband was like that, & he was raised like that. He is NOT black either, he is just an abusive coward, like many in this world now days.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:41 pm
by EndlesslyRocking
Thanks to all who've responded so far. I can't tell you how reassuring it is to see some sanity left in the world. When I saw this, I literally couldn't believe it. I looked at three or four sites before I became convinced this was really happening.


If he somehow gets away with this, I think we should just shut down the American Court system and go back to every one for themselves...

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 8:08 pm
by *Lifesonite
I don't think he'll get off, but you never know. I don't expect many people will show compassion for someone like that. It's not like it was a fluke of a slap, broken neck, ribs, so many whip marks on a TWO year old. He's going down.

I really don't buy the story, he was playing airplane and spinning the kid by his legs? That's the only way that he could hit his head on a table like that... Who would spin their kid by their legs?? He might have broke his neck then too, then they tucked him in bed and he died the next day... And why would such an abused child be eager to play with his father? Abused children are like abused dogs, am I right?

I don't know, he probably beat him to death, not this silly helicopter story he's pushing.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:50 am
by schuette
as most of you know I lost a child which, obviously, has fucked me up a bit and when I hear of any child getting murdered I get so hear that it was the parent makes me question why the fuck they had the kid in the first place, even if it was an 'accident' there are adoption agencies so no child should have to live with someone who doesn't love them. This case is even worse!! Blaming it on an fucking ass!! this guy has killed his own child and then some lawyer tries to get him off with it. As by-tor said the lawyer and doctor should have charges brought against them as well.
Hopefully the guy gets what he deserves when he's in prison and when he does get the shit kicked out of him the guys that did it shouldn't get reprimanded as the can just say that they suffer from post traumatic slave syndrome.

Re: Hell in a Handbasket

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:00 am
by ElfDude
EndlesslyRocking wrote:I came across this story this morning. It may be the most cynical, disgusting thing I've read in a long time. Have we simply abandoned all concepts of personal responsibility? Is there truly no one left in America who is not completely consumed by the culture of victimhood?

I am completely, utterly stunned....
Yeah... what you said. I couldn't agree more. The line of defense is almost as sickening as the crime.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:03 am
by Walkinghairball
Sorry Schu, I didnt know. The Judge who allows this into a court of law shuold also have his asshole removed. Now, the Father, killed the kid and abused the kid all through it's 2 years of life, ............................Is it me or do people like that DESERVE TO BE PUT TO DEATH!!!

Yeah that Mother fuck better never come this way, he's lucky I moved back to Spokane FROM Beaverton 5 years ago.

Dudes defence lawyer and the dr. of diagnosis both need WINDOWECTOMIES............So they can see how far their heads are up their butt's.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:50 pm
by funky cm
Aerosmitten wrote:So can I make up a syndrome and then scalp people and have it be ok?
H, I don't know if you're joking or not, but you very well could. You just need a lawyer who wants to make a name for him/herself. A "specialist in the field" may help too (I think I've watched a little too much "Law and Order").

If no syndrome can be found, there's always temporary insanity (you need something traumatic to happen to you to back you up) or you could blame television (you watched too many westerns - blame John Wayne).

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 12:02 am
by Aerosmitten
funky cm wrote:
Aerosmitten wrote:So can I make up a syndrome and then scalp people and have it be ok?
H, I don't know if you're joking or not, but you very well could. You just need a lawyer who wants to make a name for him/herself. A "specialist in the field" may help too (I think I've watched a little too much "Law and Order").

If no syndrome can be found, there's always temporary insanity (you need something traumatic to happen to you to back you up) or you could blame television (you watched too many westerns - blame John Wayne).
I was being halfway sarcastic.