I haven't heard any on the radio yet. Of course I only listen to a classic rock station but don't you think a Rush cover of a classic song would qualify for airplay? I did hear the snip on rush.com and it is good!
I don't have faith in faith, I don't believe in belief, You can call me faithless, I still cling to hope, And I believe in love, And that's faith enough for me... Neil Peart
Unfortunately, I was up to my ass in hospice, medicare, and medicaid orders to be shipped and delivered, so I caught most of it as a was haulin ass past my shipping counter to pull another order.
I heard a reference to the new album a couple days ago on a classic rock station, but that's about it so far. I have my radio tuned to that station permanetly, it's the only good one we have up here.
Havent heard a single mention here in England. Not been able to find anything via nefarious internet means which is a suprise. Still, not long to wait now.
Summertime Blues has been going strong here in Columbus, and since the concert coincided with our rock station's b-day, Geddy voiced a little tribute which always preceeds it.
"Sunlight on chrome, the blur of the landscape, every nerve aware....."