*Lifesonite wrote:I believe NPG and Kares are going to the Nashville show on the 26th, but I'm not sure exactly.
That really would be fun to see them on opening night.
The only time I've seen a band on opening night was Yes in 2000 on the masterworks tour. It being opening night, there were a number of problems and a few mistakes, but that was okay. It just made them more human.
Anyway, to all you Nashville goers, tell me everything!
Well, with a LOT of luck, I will be able to make my July 14 date with Panacea in Irvine. She's got my ticket, now I just have to be able to get there to use it.
May I suggest a Tour Spoilers thread for those of us who may not want to know the setlist, etc...?
I don't have faith in faith, I don't believe in belief, You can call me faithless, I still cling to hope, And I believe in love, And that's faith enough for me... Neil Peart
Oh yes, I will be there, and spoilers will be posted (probably that night if I'm not ready to pass out dead tired). I have to write down the set list anyway so its no biggie. I will mark it as a spoiler so those who don't want to see it can skip by.
neilpeart_gal wrote: I will mark it as a spoiler so those who don't want to see it can skip by.
Hey, NPG... I went ahead and got the thread started! Spoil away!
I don't have faith in faith, I don't believe in belief, You can call me faithless, I still cling to hope, And I believe in love, And that's faith enough for me... Neil Peart
ElfDude wrote:Just give 'em the same kind of reception they got in Brazil
Whoa... Talk about pressure! That was some welcome!
I don't have faith in faith, I don't believe in belief, You can call me faithless, I still cling to hope, And I believe in love, And that's faith enough for me... Neil Peart
H, Bear, and I go the 2nd of July, so we will know all about it before we ged there. Bear wants to know everything he can before we show up, so I know he will be reading the spoilers.
I have yet to make it to an opening night gig for a band, but I did see one end of tour gig. That was fun.
DutchRush is going to see them for the final date of the tour though. I want to hear what they do special on that night!