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Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 7:21 pm
by Kares4Rush
I know I'm a bit early on this but whatwithallImustdotomorrowIdidn'tknowifI'dhavethechance.

Happy Mom's day to all the awesome by-torean Moms. Goodness! I can't name them all.

T (ya love, leave a good tip after our "date") who is the awesome Mom of H and H'sDLB and others I can't name. A Rock'nRoll Mom with a penchant for brilliance and is not unwilling to pass it on to her offspring.

PV (supermom---saw it in person thank ged) I can't say enough about how you were with your daughters and how they respond in a hectic situation yet STILL have the energy and enlightenment to speak about the Professorrrrr with such incisiveness. You balance a White Russian with "grilled cheese for the kids" in a way that makes everything come out grand. :wink:

Panacea, I'm so sorry but I'm not sure if you have children or not but given what I know about what an awesome teacher you are you already have a passle that will do all the more better in their lives because of you. I know I have. :D

Schu...well, here's a Mom that will do anything for her weens. I mean this Mom goes all out to the point where she gives up so much here and in so many other areas of her life but knows that those who love her so much know that they come FIRST! THANK YOU!

I know there are so many others out there (orlando's Love Slave SHOW thyself!) and I didn't mean to single out a few as special.

I know we all have Moms and Grandmothers (or had them) and if not for them we wouldn't be the intelligent world-shakers and lovers that we are.


Happy Mother's Day... :D

and thank you

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 7:26 pm
by Slaine mac Roth
Sorry if I seem confused, but do you celebrate Mother's Day at a different time to us in England as I remember getting a my wife a Mother's Day card, from out children, in March? :?:

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 7:40 pm
by Sir Myghin
a hi ho to all yee moters oot thar, have a goo'd dee

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 7:54 pm
by Kares4Rush
I'm not sure Slaine, but in America it is the second Sunday in May. I know from Paddy in Ireland that it is a different day too. :oops:

Please forgive me for getting it wrong for you guys. I didn't mean to "Americanize" the holiday. But the sentiment is there. :)

*Kares hands out roses to the gals*

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 8:01 pm
by Slaine mac Roth
No need to apologise.

In that case, I'd like to wish all North American mothers a happy Mothers Day. I know how hard the job can be as I looked after our two for several months while the ball and chain went out to work for a while. (We were both suffering from depression - her stuck at home and me working at McDonalds so we did a swap for a while.)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 8:02 pm
by neilpeart_gal
Yes, we celebrate Mother's Day at different times. I know my Brit friend who lives here has to buy her mother's day cards now and stockpile them for when it hits over there.

I thought it was March but wasn't sure.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 9:26 pm
by awip2062
Thanks Kares! I will make sure to leave a good tip, as long as the servers rock, but at the Orbit we know they will, eh? :wink:

And thanks for the Mother's Day wishes. I expect to have a decent one with my kids and my mum.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 10:20 pm
by wcp
Happy mothers day mum!
as your gift i will watch H long as she promises no biting!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 10:40 pm
by *Lifesonite
It is Mother's Day now, so happy Mother's Day to you all! :)

*Hands out gift baskets*

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 12:10 am
by Aerosmitten
Happy Mum's day, Mum! I'll watch Eagle and Dove in the am :wink:

wcp wrote:Happy mothers day mum!
as your gift i will watch H long as she promises no biting!
Hey now! It was Chris what was doing the biting last time!

*Stalking me hoser bro*

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 8:27 am
by EndlesslyRocking
Yes, huzzah to all the mothers out there! Have a wonderful day.

And to all the children: be good to your mother. You never know when you're time is up.

Suddenly you were gone. From all the lives you left your mark upon.

I miss you Mom.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 9:17 am
by awip2062
Ouch, ER! This may be my last Mum's day with my mom, so I really hear you.

Craig, thank you dear. I hope she isn't too much trouble. :roll:

H, thank you as well. I hope they aren't too much trouble. Heheeh

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 9:16 pm
by wcp
she wasn't bad, we only had one incident, she refused to order from the kids menu apparently since she is 18 she is an adult pfftf not in the eyes of her big bro :)

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 11:44 pm
by Aerosmitten
He wouldnae let me ged three happy meals! :cry:

But Chris got three..and did he say no to that? Noooooo :roll:

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 12:28 am
by wcp
chris paid for his own food, and the only reason you wanted 3 meals was to get 3 toys, even though they would have all been the exact same!