Not really simply wanted to share the fact that I have had a free Motorhead concert forced upon me. Im going in November (Brixton, London I think), ticket, petrol paid for providing I do the driving for several drunken/non-driving friends. I do not drink and owe a friend a favour so one must attend. Perhaps twenty years ago I would've been excited, still be good to see them I suppose.
Yeah, what the heck. That would be fun to see. Supposedly the drummer is Mikkey Dee! Awesome ripper from King Diamond "Them" era. I'd love to see him again.
Brixton, eh? Isn't that the setting of the Lenny Henry show where he was a DJ on a pirate radio station?
When I hear Brixton mentioned I always remember Roger Waters yelling through a blowhorn on The Wall (Waiting For the Worms)... sort of re-creating some sort of neo-nazi March that had taken place there.
Motorhead? Hmmm...I went to a gig (for free) almost 20 years ago. H was just 1 then, so I suppose it was 17 years ago. Got to see them in a club in Portland, Oregon. We were able to ged right up to the stage. *shudders*