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Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 6:44 am
by Mr. Potatoe Head

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:15 am
by *Lifesonite
Fudge yeah, I agree with you :evil:

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:20 am
by Zivo
Fuck them, fuck me, fuck anyone who tries to censor anyone!
Fuck is just another word, and as we as a country dwell and obssess on this stupid fucking bullshit, the rest of the world looks on and laughs until they cry.
The religious "right" is trying to take over.
Let us not go gently to the endless winter night.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:47 am
by *Lifesonite
We censor too much, we're like a loud angry country full of morons! Some people need to be censored, but that's not the typical case. It seems like we keep conforming to the most short-sighted and foolish people.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 10:18 am
by Immortal for a Ltd Time
Zivo, I'm with ya 100%!
This country is on a frightening trend of removing rights from the common citizen. Free speech is in trouble. Freedom from religion is in trouble. Freedom to marry is in trouble. The religious right says that "the people have had enough"...Enough of what??? What are they talking about??? Porno is more popular now than it has even been in history. The reality shows on TV are all about sex. And they're worried about someone saying fuck? What the fuck?!?! The most popular movie right now is one of the most brutal movies ever made! So, I guess it's OK for our kids see a man have the living shit beat out of him for trying to be a good guy, but god forbid they see a nipple.
And how about gay people not being able to marry? What's that all about? The government wants to add a constitutional ammendment to ban it? What the fuck? Since when is our consititution about removing freedoms? Our consititution was designed to guarantee rights to the people, not remove them! Oh man, this subject gets me steamed! :x

OK, breathe, breathe.....I'm OK now....Gotta go refill my coffee.... :D

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 10:28 am
by *Lifesonite
I haven't researched it, but I don't know if marriage technically IS legal for Gays, considering it's a holy union and a gay marriage doesn't follow their principles. Correct me if I'm wrong. For the record, I'm not a very religious person and I think that they should be allotted some way to publicly declare their love like their straight counterparts can. It is a brave new world after all :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 11:25 am
by Mr. Potatoe Head

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 11:43 am
by wcp
HAHAHAHA sucks to be you! i can say F*ck all i want and just hop back over the boarder :)
Howard Stern has been under big criticism ehh? you may not belive in his show but you have to feel for him. they are fineing him for somehting he said 3 years ago!? what's that? talk about oppression

"Attention all people of the United States!
Attention all people of the United States!
Bush has Assumed Control
Bush has Assumed Control"

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 9:29 pm
by PV
wcp wrote:"Attention all people of the United States!
Attention all people of the United States!
Bush has Assumed Control
Bush has Assumed Control"
God help us all... :( Am I in trouble for saying "God" now too?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 10:34 pm
by Zivo
That's just the point exactly! Say anything you like, believe anything you want, all with respect for anyone, in that we're all different, and all oppinions are valid, is all I'm sayin' :wink: . I personally don't have a dislike for religion, just religious bullyism.
Love ya PV!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 10:41 pm
by PV
Zivo wrote:Love ya PV!!!
Love ya too, Z!!! I'll be around more now! Come and find me! We play!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 11:13 pm
by The Snow Dog
god damn mother fucking bullshitting assholes. i swear to all that is not the bush administration, if i EVER come within striking distance of that bastard...

nuff said.

now then. Rush is right on so many levels, it's frightening. the system needs to change. destroyed would be better, but change is good.


Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 12:16 am
by ElfDude
This has nothing to do with the "religious right". It's about greedy politicians. Let me quote Bob Lonsberry. He put it into words way better than I ever could.

Government – through threat of lawsuit and regulation – became the prime profiteer of America’s smoking habit – all in the name of protecting us. And this happened not by the vote of any legislature, but by the arguably illegal threats of various state attorneys general. It was taxation without representation, and the effective nationalization of an industry without any democratic input at all.

It was closer to Marx than Jefferson.

But the government was protecting us and we were told it was for our own good and we had been conditioned to hate the tobacco companies and so we not only put up with it, we applauded it.

But now they want more.

And I know what the next targets are.

Food and media. One is huge, and one is small, but both are in the crosshairs.

First, food.

A government agency – the Centers for Disease Control – has done study after study identifying obesity as a public health threat. Just yesterday the “Journal of the American Medical Association” said that overeating will soon be the leading cause of death in America.

Which is interesting, of course, because it used to be heart disease, followed by cancer.

But they’re pushing a different agenda now so they’ve changed, and it’s what we eat. It’s all what we eat. All the activists and all the bureaucrats and all their shills in the media screaming about how we eat too much.

All the while pointing vile fingers of blame at the American food industry – from beef producers and corn farmers to fast food joints and soda pop companies. All of them are evil, we are told, exploiters and tempters, drawing us into “food addictions” and murdering us for their filthy profit.

Translation: We not fat dullards because we’re slothful gluttons, it’s because we’ve been victimized by terrible companies.

And who will save us?

The same rapists who saved us from tobacco. The same grand cycle of pillaging and oppression is commencing, only this time they’ve found a bigger pot to raid, and it won’t be smokers who are robbed, it will be those of us who eat on a regular basis.

When Fidel Castro nationalized his country’s industries, we denounced him and called him a Communist dictator. When our government does it, we’re supposed to meekly say, “Thank you.”

And we probably will.

The second target: Media. It’s a far-smaller pot, but it’s one the powers-that-be are eager to bust up.

From the left they say that media companies – the people who are in the radio, television and newspaper businesses – are too large and crowd diversity out of the public forum because of their reach and control. From the right they say that media companies are indecent and must be fined and regulated.

The amazing coincidence about both of these arguments is that they can only be fixed by the government levying massive fines on media companies. Kind of like when you go to the ATM and a guy with a gun and a crack habit comes out of the darkness to fine you. You end up hoping he only takes your money and doesn’t fine you to death.

The posing of liberals and conservatives against media conglomerates and supposed indecency is nothing more than a pretense to read and break up. They want money and power and to stroke their sometimes-addled followers, and this whipping boy lets them do all of it.

But Howard Stern has been syndicated for more than 20 years and media companies have been huge for more than a century, and somehow society has gotten along just fine.

All that’s changed is the attitude of the politicians and the activists. All that’s changed is our attitude toward freedom.

And sadly, we’ve given up the one to empower the other.

You might not smoke, and you might not own a restaurant, and you might not work at a TV station. But it’s your freedom under attack.

And those who won’t defend it, aren’t worthy to have it.

As the politicians and activists happily know.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 2:11 am
by Medinaquirin
I have but one thing to say:


Mr. Bush: Shove a stick up your ass and spin around until yer ass catches fire, you inbred cocksucker. :evil:

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 6:53 am
by *Lifesonite
Such imagery. Angelina Jolie on the left and that message on the right... :P