Firstly, a big thanks to my much missed Bro Hairy for the (discarded) myspace heads up, you have brought me back home mate, thank you

Mere words cannot convey the sheer joy at becoming a grandfather for the second time a little les than two weeks ago! Connor (almost three and a half now!) has a wee sister 'Phoebe' to look after. All are doing ever so well, yay!

I believe it was the official 'ten year service' congratulatory certificate that brought home the fact that I've wasted a whole decade pretending to be a postman. Still, I have my quaint rural delivery and little red van these days so mustn't grumble, despite the fact my new van hasnae got a cd player!
Imho the only thing that improves with age is one's appreciation of music and I intend to educate y'all asap...discovered some awesome bands (new and old) that continue to inspire my drumming attempts, no doubt I'll elaborate.
Our 'Husk' studio alt/rock thing continues very nicely indeed. To compliment the heavy side we regularly record acoustically with my new and rather large 'djembe' hand drum and we're now delving into an increased electronica side (synths, drum programming etc) that provides much much to send/host/post. I regularly jam with my nineteen year old nephew (very metal geetar) and have failed two hilarious auditions for local covers bands (long story) with another audition along the way, such masochism.
I'm attempting to part with a minor witticism but I'm overcome

I'm afraid to name names lest I forget someone important but know that you all have crossed my mind many many times.
Umm...I'm back?