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Little Blessings in Your Day
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:22 pm
by awip2062
So tell me about the small blessings you see in your days. The little things that bring a smile to your face.
I'll start: I've been wondering if there's a way that I can have my calendar and contacts on my computer and my phone without me having to input everything to both separately. Since I have Vista 64-bit, my computer won't sync with my phone, and it's been making me nervous knowing I don't have a backup in case my phone is lost or broken.
Last night it came to me! An online calendar and contacts program! So, I went looking about and found that someone has come up with a program that will sync my Google calendar with my phone's calendar online. And there is a feature for contacts, too!
Now, I have both the calendar on my phone and my computer up-to-date with each other and I needn't worry that I will lose all my information if my phone goes down.
Not a bit deal, but a simple pleasure.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:34 pm
by YYZ30
Being above ground and breathing.
(sometimes its the simplest of the simple)
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:35 pm
by awip2062
I won't deny that is a blessing.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:46 pm
by Sir Myghin
I have been using a 64 bit OS for 4 years now t, and they STILL do not make everything work with them, some companies just flat out refuse to do ANYTHING close to 64. With its greater memory usage capabilities, it is the way things have to go, but companies are just waiting as long as they can in many cases.
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:34 am
by CygnusX1
Every day I can
lift my head off of the pillow is a blessing.
Seriously, every day that I can talk to my parents, walk, drive a bike or car, work, give back, and just be a friend is a blessing.
Geez, did I leave anything out? ***jello belly laffs***
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:42 am
by awip2062
Sir Myghin wrote:I have been using a 64 bit OS for 4 years now t, and they STILL do not make everything work with them, some companies just flat out refuse to do ANYTHING close to 64. With its greater memory usage capabilities, it is the way things have to go, but companies are just waiting as long as they can in many cases.
Microsoft says it doesn't plan on making my computer compatible with more than one piece of hardware and more than one program that I'd like to use. Does this make me want to buy a similar product from them in the future...hmmmm....lemme think on that.....

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:45 am
by YYZ30
awip2062 wrote:Sir Myghin wrote:I have been using a 64 bit OS for 4 years now t, and they STILL do not make everything work with them, some companies just flat out refuse to do ANYTHING close to 64. With its greater memory usage capabilities, it is the way things have to go, but companies are just waiting as long as they can in many cases.
Microsoft says it doesn't plan on making my computer compatible with more than one piece of hardware and more than one program that I'd like to use. Does this make me want to buy a similar product from them in the future...hmmmm....lemme think on that.....

Macs are wonderful...
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:47 am
by awip2062
YYZ30 wrote:Being above ground and breathing.
You putting both "above ground" and "breathing" in there reminds me of a story my mom told me recently about some kin. The cemetary where some of our relatives had been buried was being moved and the casket of Aunt So-And-So fell off the truck and came open. The workers looked inside and found she was on her face with her fists clenched at the back of her head and she'd ripped out much of her hair. Apparently, she came too after being buried.
Not the first story I've heard of like this.
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:50 am
by CygnusX1
awip2062 wrote:YYZ30 wrote:Being above ground and breathing.
You putting both "above ground" and "breathing" in there reminds me of a story my mom told me recently about some kin. The cemetary where some of our relatives had been buried was being moved and the casket of Aunt So-And-So fell off the truck and came open. The workers looked inside and found she was on her face with her fists clenched at the back of her head and she'd ripped out much of her hair. Apparently, she came too after being buried.
Not the first story I've heard of like this.
Wow! I've heard of Haitians being buried "alive" - comatose from eating poison fish, and showing NO vital signs, yet they wake up...creepy.
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:04 am
by YYZ30
CygnusX1 wrote: ....showing NO vital signs, yet they wake up...creepy.
Like most Redskins fans?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:17 am
by CygnusX1
YYZ30 wrote:CygnusX1 wrote: ....showing NO vital signs, yet they wake up...creepy.
Like most Redskins fans?

Well, yeah, but
they only go comatose somewhere around the
middle of the third quarter. 
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:05 pm
by Big Blue Owl
Little Blessings in Your Day
To put on the headphones and blast some prog metal in the middle of the work day. No politics, no stress, no crap. The only screeching is from the guitars and sometimes the vocals.
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:09 pm
by YYZ30
Big Blue Owl wrote:Little Blessings in Your Day
To put on the headphones and blast some prog metal in the middle of the work day. No politics, no stress, no crap. The only screeching is from the guitars and sometimes the vocals.
Inquiring minds want to know- who are you listening to?
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:41 pm
by Big Blue Owl
Ocean Grave by Disarmonia on Fragments Of D-Generation
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:14 pm
by ElfDude
Seeing the sunrise through Hobble Creek Canyon as I drive my kids to school every morning.