I spend my mornings listening to a local news/talk station. I've been hearing a lot of ads for Snakes and Arrows. Far Cry is playing in the background, the announcer says that it's the hit single from the new Rush album and tells us to be sure to see them on tour this summer and says they're brought to us by Atlantic Records. It's probably 15 seconds total. But I've heard it numerous times.
Haven't heard it yet, but I listen to NPR.
It's probably all over the rock stations, though the concert is still 4 months away. This state has a particular "bent" for Rush and advertisers always capitalize on anything they do.
Heard it more yesterday and two times so far this morning. The spot is only 10 seconds long. But it's really cool to hear them being publicized like this.
Not much a few times when the radio station plays "Far Cry" they mention the tour haven't seen any contests yet either, Rush usually does a few of these? I listen to NPR too BBO plus classical and rock the spice of life I'll stop right there. LOL
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.