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Oakland A's Bay Area Rush Fans!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:25 pm
by Julie
Announcements, announcement, annnooouuunnnncccceeeements! :-D

A's vs. Angels. It's an afternoon game, so if folks can't make it to the ballpark, swing on by Chez RaeRae for a downhome BARF.

And that includes you, Mr. Admin Sir! :D

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:30 pm
by schuette
wont include me though :(

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:53 am
by Walkinghairball
Funny thing, I almost barfed last night, but it had nothing to do with Bay Area Rush Fans. LOL :-D :-D :lol: :lol:

Re: Oakland A's Bay Area Rush Fans!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:32 pm
by by-tor
Julie wrote:Announcements, announcement, annnooouuunnnncccceeeements! :-D

A's vs. Angels. It's an afternoon game, so if folks can't make it to the ballpark, swing on by Chez RaeRae for a downhome BARF.

And that includes you, Mr. Admin Sir! :D
Oh yeah, I'm going to fly all the way across the country, and not go to the game. :razz:

8 games up! (until the M's finish their sweep tonight)

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:08 pm
by awip2062
Too bad the M's lost. *sigh*

But at least Soriano is okay!