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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:03 am
by Ogg
Fav' Album: The Music 'Welcome To The North'

Fav' Movie : Bad Santa

Fav' Book : Tery Pratchett 'Going Postal'

Fav' Gig : Rush, Birmingham, 15/9/04

Fav' Game : The Battle For Middle Earth PC

Feel free to add your own categories.

Re: 2004

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:07 am
by happysmilies007
Fav' Album: RUSH -- Feedback

Fav' Movie : geez, this year in movies sucked..from any of the movies that came out this yr, i either haven't seen it, or it sucked!

Fav' Book : MYST: The Book of D'ni

Fav' Gig : RUSH in Charlotte!! 5/28/04

Fav' Game : Unreal Tournament 2004 & The Sims 2 (if either'd run on my computer :x )

thanks Ogg :-D


Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:15 am
by The Snow Dog
Fav' Album: Green Day, "American Idiot"

Fav' Movie : Dodgeball

Fav' Book : R.A. Salvatore, "The Lone Drow"

Fav' Gig : Only one I saw was The Scorpions, Battle Creek.

Fav' Game : Halo 2 (Multiplayer)

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:04 am
by Slaine mac Roth
Fav Album : Rush - Feedback

Fave Book : Philip K Dick - Five Great Novels

Fave Film: : Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Fave Gig: Rush, Wembley September 9

Best TV Series : Lost

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:54 pm
by Ogg
Slaine wrote:Fave Film: : Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I download a lot of movies and in my opinion ESOTSMind disappointed big time. To each their own an all that. I DO like Jim Carrey (excellent in the new Lemony Snicket film). Suprised that anyone could call it one of the movies of the year though.

If I may recommend a good movie then please check out 'The House Of Flying Daggers' ... ;fc=1;ft=1 .

In the vein of 'Hidden Tiger Crouching Dragon' and starring the beautiful Ziyi Zhang . I watched it with the good woman and we both agree that this is a great piece of art.

I quote "Stunning! Beautiful! Opulent! Visually breathtaking! Aesthetic perfection! All these words and phrases could be used to describe Zhang Yimou's latest action/love-story blockbuster, House of Flying Daggers, which I had the pleasure of (and believe me, pleasure is the exact word) seeing last night at the cinema..."
The soundtrack album is as beautiful as the film.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 3:21 pm
by Slaine mac Roth
Ogg wrote:
Slaine wrote:Fave Film: : Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I download a lot of movies and in my opinion ESOTSMind disappointed big time. To each their own an all that. I DO like Jim Carrey (excellent in the new Lemony Snicket film). Suprised that anyone could call it one of the movies of the year though.

If I may recommend a good movie then please check out 'The House Of Flying Daggers' ... ;fc=1;ft=1 .

In the vein of 'Hidden Tiger Crouching Dragon' and starring the beautiful Ziyi Zhang . I watched it with the good woman and we both agree that this is a great piece of art.

I quote "Stunning! Beautiful! Opulent! Visually breathtaking! Aesthetic perfection! All these words and phrases could be used to describe Zhang Yimou's latest action/love-story blockbuster, House of Flying Daggers, which I had the pleasure of (and believe me, pleasure is the exact word) seeing last night at the cinema..."
The soundtrack album is as beautiful as the film.
Truth is Eternal Sunshine was a big surprise for me as I can't stand Jim Carrey. I don't think I'd be much for the Flying Daggers as I'm not into Martial Arts stuff (I found Crouching Tiger a bit dull to be honest).

I liked Eternal Sunshine because, at times, it was very Philip K Dick in tone - more so than any of the films that have been made of his books - and uit had a good supporting cast.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 6:30 pm
by The Snow Dog
I hated Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Which is funny, 'cuz I love the Matrix, The One, and all the old-fashioned Kung-Fu movies (Bruce Lee owns). but Crouching Tiger stank like no other.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 1:13 am
by Ogg
The Snow Dog wrote:...but Crouching Tiger stank like no other.
:-D :-D :-D .

My wife trains in various styles of martial arts (over twenty years now) and I have seen too many movies of that genre for comfort but HTCDragon was one that we both enjoyed. HOFDaggers is far superior.

Hey SnowDog, you better hope my good woman doesnt see this post, she'll kick your butt mate! :-D .

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:10 pm
by The Snow Dog
I fence... bwa...?


Anywho, just sayin' what I think.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:29 am
by Ogg
The Snow Dog wrote:I fence... bwa...?


Anywho, just sayin' what I think.
Lol, no problems with one's opinion. You may have noticed the :-D smiley which is indicative of humerous undertones, yes? :-D :-D :-D .

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:52 am
by The Snow Dog
and perhaps you noted the 'bwa...?' meant to signify my understanding of said humorous undertone.

that being said


*draws bath*