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Who works Christmas?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 8:15 pm
by rushlight
I have to. :( Being a customer service rep for a phone company can be such a crappy job. I tried to get a vacation day but it was denied. So I can't spend the whole day with D.A. Sometimes they do offer excused time from work during the shift so hopefully they will be so kind. Do any of you have to work Christmas?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 8:50 pm
by happysmilies007
aww..that really sucks, light. i'm SOOOOO sorry!!


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:05 am
by schuette
aww I'm sorry light but can I be mean and gloat for a wee bit...I'm not even making the Chrissy dinner....I go to my folks and all I need to provide is the wine....I try to help my mum but she's like 'no it's okai I can do it' so I just leave her to it and go watch the telly and play with the kids toys while drinking Port :-D

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:56 am
by Slaine mac Roth
I'm really happ this year as I've managed to book the week between Christmas and New year off - a lot better than when I worked at McDonalds and would have to work Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day :x

Saying that, I don't mind working Christmas Eve - I'm doing that this year and finishing at 4. If I'd wanted to, I could have gone in at 6 and finished at 2 but couldn't be bothered.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:02 pm
by Fridge
Well i've landed really lucky this year...

My rota means that I get onshore on the 22nd and don't have to go back to the Rig till the 12th January.

I intend to take full advantage of this

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:04 pm
by Walkinghairball
I got real lucky this year. I actually ged both New Years Eve and Christmas Eve off.

I have never had to work Christmas or NYD................ WOOHOO!!! :-D

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:01 pm
by rushlight
I'm not only working Christmas. I have to work New Year's too. It falls on a workday for me. :x I had such a fucking bad day today. They gave me a work schedule for New Year's and it is a graveyard shift. I would have to work at 6:30pm to 3am and there is NO WAY I will do that. I sent it back asking for something different and I hope they follow through because there is no way I will work until morning. (IDIOTS!) :x

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:02 pm
by happysmilies007
omg, light, that sucks big time. i'm glad you're not taking that schedule, make somebody else work new years. GEEZ. these people must not realize you have a LIFE.


Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:16 am
by rushlight
Thanks. Well, they did give me Christmas off finally. So D.A. and I can celebrate together. Unfortunately, New Year's is the same. My family and D.A. are against it because a) a woman working at night isn't safe b) I live 30 minutes away and c) somebody was carjacked recently near my job and that was during daylight. So I'm deciding what to do next, could put me on a final warning or worse. I don't know what to do. :?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 11:21 am
by happysmilies007

i'm sorry you hafta work New Year's, though. could you talk to your company about your security? i think every person has a right to be safe if they're a decent, hardworking person just trying to make a living..NOT trying to get their car stolen.


Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 4:11 pm
by Kares4Rush
To all the Bob Cratchetts out there I give you a Christmas hug. That's a toughie. My sis has to work Christmas in the ER. I don't know about New Years, though.

Luckily I have both days off but this thread makes me realize how lucky I am. ANY day off is a treat and I'll be extra thankful this year.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:21 pm
by Orlando's LOVESLAVE
I've always been lucky and not had to work on Christmas. Sometimes 1/2 days on Christmas Eve, but not this year.

Light, I am glad you finally got Christmas off. But that New Years thing is a joke. A woman should not have to work those hours. Especially if there has been crime in the area in the daylight. Unless you have a job that puts you in danger, you should never have to feel scared at your job.

I feel for those of you that do have to work on Christmas.

Happy Holidays (which ever you celebrate).......OLS

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 12:13 pm
by 3 travelers
Kares4Rush wrote:To all the Bob Cratchetts out there I give you a Christmas hug. That's a toughie. My sis has to work Christmas in the ER. I don't know about New Years, though.

Luckily I have both days off but this thread makes me realize how lucky I am. ANY day off is a treat and I'll be extra thankful this year.
I'll be working on THE EVE.... just call me Bob Crackitch....... shant be that long of a day, though

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:22 pm
by rushlight
After I put in a complaint about my new year's shift, I waited and waited and waited until FINALLY I got a change in the schedule. I still get out in the evening but it is something I can work with. From 10:30 am to 7pm. But hopefully they will have early release time. Just depends on the day and how busy we get. No matter how much I hate this job sometimes, it gets me the money to see my guy. :twisted: Hey D.A., may I open my pressies yet??? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:38 pm
by Devil's Advocate
rushlight wrote: Hey D.A., may I open my pressies yet??? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Nope. :P