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Kerrrazzzy (Updated and awaiting input)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 4:07 am
by Ogg
You all know I download myriad albums, movies, games etc...anyway, I found a cool music torrent site that leans towards the heavier side of rock/metal AND has a cool bootleg section. The site is known as 'Kerrazy' torrents and I was looking forward to unearthing a few gems.
I was wasting time browsing the forum when I came across a 'Greatest Drummer in Rock' thread and of course I submitted our beloved Mr Peart for inclusion.
Would you believe that some total idiot replied with a 'Neil Peart is overrated' comment :x :x :x !!! Yes, I felt the same and responed in kind, I admit to calling the submitter a 'twat' and extolled our heroes virtues (as If I have to).
To cut a long story short, I was warned to behave myself and not insult other members. I protested that I was not flaming but to no avail AND received another warning for arguing!...and all of this happened after my first post! How RocknRoll is that!
Feel free to read the replies below. The 'Exmortis' chap seems pretty cool though.
Ogg wrote:QUOTE
I read your reply in the Metal Drummer topics and i simply do not like the remarks you made.I resent that kind of statement being made in the forums that will lead to flaming and all sorts of nonsense!!!
So i'm giving you this oppurtunity to edit before other Mods/Admins sees it,as i can guarantee you they wont come easy like this...
So you know what to do....

Petty???!!!I am telling you this to safeguard the community.Each is to his opinion...well if you insist on it i will have to suspend your account from you decide its your call now.
I'm waiting.........


Cant believe I got a warning from my first post. Thought you'd be more tolerant...and I was not rude to a member, not in the slightest. Being direct is not being rude. I moderate a Rush forum and NEVER deliberately flame. For shame...


You where rude to a Moderator who asked you to lighten up. And yes I took it as rude the way you acted towards the user and so did he. You did not state you where joking and we are geared towards respect around here. I am not sure about the rules of your board but around here if you tell a moderator he is petty after he has asked you to chill then you are breaking the rules on OUR board. If you call a member a bafoon and use an angry emo in your post you are breaking the rules of OUR board.

If you choose to follow the rules around here then your level will be lowered and life will be good. If you wish to contest this further then you are wasting your time.

I am from Canada and have seen Rush so many times since 1980 and up that I could hardly disagree with the fact the Neil is the best and an Icon to us Canadians. So I do agree with your post except for the Bafoon part, just to let you know.

:-D :-D :-D .

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 8:26 am
by Slaine mac Roth
If you're not allowed to angry emoticons, why do they have them on the board? :x

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 9:39 am
by schuette
ohhhhhhhhh you baddy Ogg :razz:

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 11:41 am
by Walkinghairball
Hey D, Tell that fukkwadd to eat a big steaming bowl of cock snot and like it. Now that's a post fer ya huh. :-D :cool: :razz:

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 12:39 pm
by happysmilies007
bafoon :x

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 12:40 pm
by happysmilies007
^^ see, by-tor would NEVER throw me off for saying that to somebody..that's ridiculous. you could have said a LOT worse than 'bafoon'. what is it, a site for 3yrolds?? that's just immature of everyone on the site.

carolynn :evil:

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 2:37 pm
by Orlando's LOVESLAVE
I would say the board is NOT worth staying on. Especially if they are going to be that petty about the word Bafoon. And I agree with Slaine about the emos........... if you cant use em why are they even there???????

I would just never go back to that board. It does sound like it may be for 3 year olds (to quote Carolynn).

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 3:17 pm
by schuette
I'd have used the word fuckers :-D

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 3:42 pm
by Ogg
The exact wording was 'You Sir are a buffoon' but obviously bafoon is more offensive :-) .

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 3:42 pm
by Ogg
Walkinghairball wrote:Hey D, Tell that fukkwadd to eat a big steaming bowl of cock snot and like it. Now that's a post fer ya huh. :-D :cool: :razz:
:-D :-D :-D .

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 11:03 am
by Ogg
Now I am pissed off! Grrr...the ridiculous forum is now saying that Neil Peart has played the same solo for twenty years. I had to respond and I restrained from rudeness...for now!

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 11:05 am
by Ogg
Now I am pissed off! Grrr...the ridiculous forum is now saying that Neil Peart has played the same solo for twenty years. I had to respond and I restrained from rudeness...for now!
QUOTE(jesh12d3 @ Sep 30 2004, 02:28 AM)
Well, I agree he played the same solo for a long time... but not 20 years. Also, he changed most of it for the Vapor Trails Tour in 2002, and now, on the 30th. Anniversary tour he made it even better!!

Also, who cares about him playing the same solo? Still it's great, and it's still the best one I've ever heard --- and I really don't expect to hear a better one in my whole life!. It's all about different personal music tastes.


I have never encountered such ignorance before in any forum. Surely there must be musicians here that agree with me on this? To state that Neil Peart has played the very same solo for twenty years is frankly ludicrous. I have followed his career for too long to mention and have witnessed the progression of a master musician, as have thousands of others no doubt. After a mere twenty years of playing the great man decided he need a change of perspective and hired a master teacher and simply began again. The 'new' Mr Peart arrived with a new kit, a new attitude and added electronic percussion to his repetoire.
Interviews regarding his solo state the he has the basic foundation but has to alternate or else become stale. The solo's do change throughout the years and allegations that it remains the same is truly ignorant.
I know I'm a Rush fan but I'm a also a drummer, Neil Peart is one of many that I admire but to say that he plays 'the same solo for twenty years' merely highlights the lack of depth within this thread.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 11:13 am
by Fridge
Actually Ogg I have to say that you were in the wrong....

Yes, I do agree that Neil peart is in no way overrated, he is a drum god without question.

However, the fact remains that you did call someone a buffoon simply for expressing an opinion that was different from yours. So in that respect, they were right to castigate you for this.

I often find myself in total disagreement with members of this board and others, but never at any stage have I levelled a direct personal insult at anyone. Mild as it is, "Bufoon" comes into this category.

So. sorry to say, I don't think you have been harshly treated at all....

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 3:29 pm
by *Lifesonite
Over-rated by who? His opinion was what exactly? That you don't know what you're talking about, Neil Peart is a talentless tool. Right? :P

Calling someone over-rated is definitely an opinion. An opinion that challenges your own opinion, where do we go from there? Ogg was obviously right that he's not over-rated. He is great and entitled to all of his awards, at least most of them.

It's not like he's some guy from the new record label who's being sponsored, he earned his awards. He's seriously guilty of using terms he doesn't understand.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 8:22 pm
by ElfDude
Man, that moderator's spelling and grammar make me SIC [sic]!

I would have been tempted to write back, correcting his post the way a school teacher would correct a paper, then give him very low marks. :-D