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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:38 am
by CygnusX1
Yeah, the Scots really stepped on their willies this time. :roll:

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:41 pm
by ElfDude

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:07 am
by CygnusX1

I just fell outta my chair! :lol:

Matthews' man-love for the Chosen One is unbelievable, but I ain't hatin.'

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:13 am
by CygnusX1
Click "All Videos," then scroll down to find "Obama National Anthem"

Damn, Beck should get a Emmy for that. :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:09 am
by ElfDude
Been loving that song for a long time.
Actually, it was hilarious when it was released. Now it has turned out to be so true I don't even laugh anymore... just pray really hard. And lose sleep from time to time.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:37 am
by CygnusX1
ElfDude wrote:Been loving that song for a long time.
Actually, it was hilarious when it was released. Now it has turned out to be so true I don't even laugh anymore... just pray really hard. And lose sleep from time to time.
Better days are comin' Elf.

It all starts with the Gubernatorial races and goes on from there in 2010!

Thankfully, my state sees the light, and the Republican candidate for
Governor has a fresh ten-point lead over the democrat challenger.

The message is getting across! Keep the faith!

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:37 am
by ElfDude
CygnusX1 wrote:
ElfDude wrote:Been loving that song for a long time.
Actually, it was hilarious when it was released. Now it has turned out to be so true I don't even laugh anymore... just pray really hard. And lose sleep from time to time.
Better days are comin' Elf.

It all starts with the Gubernatorial races and goes on from there in 2010!

Thankfully, my state sees the light, and the Republican candidate for
Governor has a fresh ten-point lead over the democrat challenger.

The message is getting across! Keep the faith!
Harry Reid is 11 points behind his challenger too.

But there are still the dozens of Marxist-revolutionary czars that are surrounding this president.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:01 am
by CygnusX1
ElfDude wrote: Harry Reid is 11 points behind his challenger too.
I saw that! And rightfully so. He's a perfect example of how to
successfully commit political suicide. Good riddance to him, too.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya, Harry!

Tyrant. :x
ElfDude wrote:But there are still the dozens of Marxist-revolutionary czars that are surrounding this president.
I realize that too, and I can't believe, like Beck, that the media isn't all
over this and having these people INVESTIGATED.

Obama's mouthpiece (Gibbs) won't touch it with a ten foot pole. He dodges it every time.

That fact is pretty damning in itself, but we see that the media is right in
bed with the administration. They could have blown the lid off of this a
long time ago, but they're waiting for someone ELSE to do it.

No problem with that, but here we go again - if it were a REPUBLICAN
doing it, they'd have been tarred and feathered and run outta town on the
first thing smokin.'

The hypocricy of this administration and the mainstream media really
makes me sick.

On a lighter's HUMP DAY!

Happy middle-of-the-week everybody!

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:36 am
by CygnusX1
Here's a "sucks to be you" moment:

"I received information this week that my [liberal] colleagues around
the country, their poll numbers, their approval ratings...are not where
they'd like them."
- Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev

Sweet, Harry! It only goes downhill from WEASEL.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:40 am
by ElfDude
CygnusX1 wrote:Here's a "sucks to be you" moment:

"I received information this week that my [liberal] colleagues around
the country, their poll numbers, their approval ratings...are not where
they'd like them."
- Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev

Sweet, Harry! It only goes downhill from WEASEL.
Weasel indeed. Anyone who ever told me I only wanted Mitt Romney to win because he was a "Mormon" only needed to be reminded that Reid is as well, and I'd NEVER vote for him.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:44 am
by CygnusX1
You make a good point Elf. Lots of 'em, actually. :-D

We got us a SLOBBERKNOCKER brewing in VA! :headbang:

Is the Washington Post trying to 'Macaca' Bob McDonnell? ... 14987.html

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:03 am
by CygnusX1
H/T to David Freddoso @

Liberal Lie-of-the-Month:

"After a few weeks of health care craziness, there's good news:
we're winning on the ground. Lots of town halls are now dominated by
supporters of health care reform."

- Mass e-mail sent to supporters from

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:56 pm
by ElfDude

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:02 pm
by ElfDude
Random Thoughts On The Difference Between ?Us? And ?Them?

If a conservative doesn?t like guns, he doesn?t buy one. If a liberal doesn?t like guns, then no one should have one.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, she doesn?t eat meat.If a liberal is, he wants to ban all meat products for everyone.

If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy. A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a conservative is homosexual, she quietly enjoys her life. If a liberal is homosexual, he loudly demands legislated respect.

If a black man or Hispanic is conservative, he sees himself as independently successful. His liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a conservative is down-and-out, she thinks about how to better her situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn?t like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don?t like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, she doesn?t go to church. A liberal wants all churches to be silenced.

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A liberal demands that his neighbors pay for his.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:18 am
by CygnusX1

That pretty much sums it up. :roll: :lol: