How are we supposed to choose?? ALL of these guys are hot in their own special ways.
I voted for my brother Zivo. With that gorgeous hair, sense of humor, musical talent, and over all great dudeness, how could I not? It helped that he won the coin toss.
Enchantment falls around me and I know I cannot leave...
"John Rutsey, who was a viking then, Geddy, who wasn't a viking and myself formed the band as it isn't today to patrol war-torn areas of the Middle-East and to incurr as many debts as possible. This we did with a passion."
- Alex Lifeson
First I'd like to thank the almighty Ged, without whom none of this would be possible. I'd also like to thank the academy, including our noble benefactor Rushlight, Kares4rush, Panacea, and anyone else that voted for me or had something positive to say. I accept this title humbly, and on behalf of my brothers who fought valiantly.
Thanks again, and.....I'm going to Disney World.
I dispute the result! All eligable males should've been included in the poll, especially well mannered english ruggedly handsome talented pheremone exuding drummers