awip2062 wrote:He doesn't deny we have had an impact, but rather, "The human impact on the atmosphere is simply too small to have a major effect on global temperatures," Dr Gray said."
We will know in 10-15 years if he is right, though. Since he said, "We'll look back on all of this in 10 or 15 years and realise how foolish it was." If we look back and see we were all taken for a ride, then he is right. If not, he is wrong.
Going to be sooner than 10 or 15 years it's a frieght train out of control. They don't call me "spirit wind" for nothing you know.
Before I head out another thought on climate change. Of course we should as I said before, aire on the side of caution treating climate change as if we are the cause and effect. At any rate with the ice caps melting it is fesible to assume that the ocean currents are being effected. With that being said it is very possible that effect could flip flop global warming into another mini ice age. For that very reason I will be wearing a t-shirt with a wool cap today, just in case.
The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.
Heh, my daughter wore a wool hat yesterday. We got more snow. And the mountains are purty. I expect most of it to be melted before the day is over though.
At least they are not drinking their toilet water yet as in some places people wash their cloths, take a bath, have their bowel movements and drink the same river water.
Carbon confusion of third world career's of choking school buses caring for the woolly Adelgid diet of hemlocks while the evolved mosquito dance's on new wings
and blueberry's take a hike north.....
Think about it every living thing is going to be effected. Insects, trees, bats, fish, us EVERYTHING some will increase, some will disappear and some will evolve.
Oh' the world is in drastic changes and we have a front row seat of spikes. Sad, so very sad... but hey look on the bright side, evolution has proved itself with change due to the climate and maybe, just maybe the religious fanatics will wake up and smell the myth now?
Most people are fanatics in one way or another, even non religious people such as myself. Yes' the earth is and has always been evolving, just now it's evolving because we screwed it up, raping the ocean's and stripping the forests to name just 2 and may I add the thread topic "Is global warming a sin" insults my intelligence. Here is a little excerpt from Richard Dawkins, I have been reading his opinions for years. Matter of fact just what he states in this article (not this part) about children should be taught both sides and let them decide for themselves. I elaborated to just that, nearly a year ago. At any rate so what I think of myself as a forward thinker.
If complex organisms demand an explanation, so does a complex designer. And it's no solution to raise the theologian's plea that God (or the Intelligent Designer) is simply immune to the normal demands of scientific explanation. To do so would be to shoot yourself in the foot. You cannot have it both ways. Either ID belongs in the science classroom, in which case it must submit to the discipline required of a scientific hypothesis. Or it does not, in which case get it out of the science classroom and send it back into the church, where it belongs.
Richard Dawkins
Nevertheless people should be able to decide for themselves and the way it is now, many children don't have that option. I was given that by my father, while the fact was he wasn't by his parents, they forced religion on him. Just one more thing don't forget I still like you just because we don't believe in the same things shouldn't effect that at least it doesn't with me. It's not like you go around hurting people because of it.
Mr. Potatoe Head wrote: Just one more thing don't forget I still like you just because we don't believe in the same things shouldn't effect that at least it doesn't with me. It's not like you go around hurting people because of it.
It's mutual, Tater. Those of us here who are believers aren't gonna start disliking you for a difference of opinon!
Here are a couple of my thoughts on what Mr. Dawkins wrote:
He talks about the theologian saying that G-d is immune to the normal demands of scientific explanation and how he (Dawkins) disagrees with that. Well, the way I see it is that G-d created science and her laws. As Galileo said, "Mathematics is the language with which G-d has written the universe." If G-d created the natural laws, then it is logical He would be outside of and immune to them. Since He did create the laws (again, I know not everyone believes that, but I do) it is quite logical for Him to be in the science, indeed every, classroom.
it is quite logical for Him to be in the science, indeed every, classroom.
But every child/person has to go to school and not all school people (and parents) are Christians (and/or religious.) How, then, do we have God in all classrooms when some or even half or more don't have/need/want him in their lives?
My History teacher taught that one of the top reasons for leaving old home lands and coming to the new world was to seek religious freedom. In every class seems like forcing everyone to accept one theology/theory.
I'm not trying to be snarky or argumentative, and I realize we're just talking about individual beliefs. I'm just kinda wondering what your thoughts are.
I believe in evolution, yet it is quite logical to think of a group of Intelligent Designer's like our own scientist's finding a habitable planet and deciding to populate it, especially after we use up all the resources on this planet. More than likely in the future we won't even look like we do now, evolving because of environmental factors. Nevertheless, I personally hope they don't leave any books lying around. As it stands now no one can come to a consensus regarding religion. It keeps dividing like a cancer cell and should be left out of the classroom all together. In my personal opinion all the religions should stop spreading retoric in
trying to control people too. Now someone probably wants to know what I mean by "retoric" belief is the right one, my god is better than your god, we have it right your wrong. So f*&^ing what, lets move on and help each other and the planet before our blindness kills us all. There isn't going to be any God or Christ coming to save our planet!