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Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:05 am
by ElfDude
Good news today:
BAGHDAD, March 14 (KUNA) -- The rate of killings of US troops in Iraq has been on the decline, down by 60 percent, since the launch of the new security measures in Baghdad, according to statistics revealed by the Multi-National Force -Iraq Combined Press Information Centre.

Only 17 members of the US military in Iraq have been killed since February 14 till March 13, compared to 42 from January 13 to February 13; the rate was on the decline during the first month of the security crackdown, compared to a month before.

Two of the 17 soldiers died at US Baghdad camps of non-combat causes.

The remarkable decrease in killings among the US troops came at a time when more of these troops were deployed in the Iraqi capital, especially in districts previously regarded as extremely hazardous for them such as Al-Sadr City, Al-Azamiyah, and Al-Doura.

Meanwhile, US attacks on insurgent strongholds north of Baghdad curbed attacks against helicopters. Before the new security plan, many such craft were downed leaving 20 soldiers dead.

The US army in Iraq had earlier said that sectarian fighting and violence in Baghdad had dropped sharply, by about 80 percent, since the launch of the plan.

The statistics excluded US troops killed in other governorates such as Al-Anbar, Diyala, and Salahiddin.

As to the latest human losses, the US army announced Wednesday that two American soldiers had been killed, one in southern Baghdad and the other northeast of the capital.(end)

KUNA 141130 Mar 07NNNN

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:34 am
by schuette
Prime Minister Tony Blair launched a strong defence of his government's plan to modernize Britain's submarine-borne independent nuclear deterrent.

Speaking ahead of a decisive vote in parliament today, Blair said the replacement of the Trident nuclear missile system was 'essential for our security in an uncertain world.'

Blair is facing a major back-bench revolt against the plan as up to 80 Labour members of parliament (MP's) are expected to vote against renewing Trident at this stage.

The rebellion in Labour ranks could be the biggest since the vote on the Iraq war in 2003, observers said.

While it would be an embarrassing blow for Blair, defeat is unlikely as the Conservatives have vowed to support the plan to replace the fleet of four nuclear submarines at a cost of 20-billion pounds (38.6 billion dollars).

'We can work together in the national interest,' Conservative leader David Cameron assured Blair at parliamentary Question Time.

He appealed to Blair not to 'appease' critics in his own party who wanted to 'run away from a tough decision.'

A parliamentary debate on the issue is due to start early afternoon, with a vote expected later Wednesday evening.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:04 am
by Big Blue Owl
Hard-bitten New Yorkers want mugger's head

NEW YORK (AP) -- Here's a tip for the guy who beat up a 101-year-old woman in a walker and took off with her purse: Get out of New York.

The vicious mugging, caught on surveillance tape, has sparked outrage in a city where people are accustomed to hearing about strange and violent crimes. Police have launched an all-out manhunt, but it's not just the cops who want the villain's head.

"I could hold him, and let the woman beat him up," said Joe Sarju, 59, who lives in the Queens neighborhood where the attack occurred. "I'd love to beat him, but then they would lock me up."

The heartlessness of the March 4 attack is clearly conveyed on the grainy, black-and-white videotape, which has now been broadcast well beyond New York.

In it, 101-year-old Rose Morat is trying to leave her apartment building to go to church. The mugger, a man who looms over the senior citizen and is holding on to a bicycle, pretends to help her get through the vestibule.

Then, he turns to grab Morat's head and delivers three hard punches to her face, and swipes her purse. The dazed victim tries to reach for her purse when the mugger hits her again, pushing her and her walker to the ground. (Watch the mugger pretend to help and then start hitting Video)

He got away with $33 and Morat's house keys. She suffered a fractured cheekbone and spent time in the hospital. The attack didn't break Morat's spirit, though: She has said in the days since that if she had been just a bit younger, she would have gone after the guy.

"I'm a very strong woman," she said. "I've been that way my whole life."

The NYPD has assigned dozens of detectives to the case and shown every uniformed officer in the city the surveillance video. Police are canvassing nearby residential buildings and businesses.

They believe the same man also attacked 85-year-old Solange Elizee, another neighborhood resident, shortly after robbing Morat. Elizee suffered facial cuts and bruises. The mugger took off with $32 and her wedding band.

Based on the victims' memories and the tape, police say the attacker is a black man in his 30s, about 5 feet 10 and 165 pounds. He wore a winter jacket with a fur-lined hood. Police said Tuesday there were no new developments.

Several posters have been placed throughout the generally quiet Queens neighborhood, urging anyone with information to call with tips. So far, at least $18,000 in reward money is being promised by several sources, including the police.

On Tuesday, lawmakers in the state Senate proposed making it a felony to assault anyone older than 70. Currently, such assaults are misdemeanors, punishable by no more than a year in jail.

Meanwhile, New Yorkers struggled for the right words to describe the attacker because expletives just don't seem adequate. In interviews and letters to newspapers, some suggested he deserves life imprisonment -- or perhaps until he's 101.

John Brown, 45, said the mugger must have been on drugs, because no rational person would do such a thing. "That was a cowardly act," he fumed.

Others were reminded of the perils that could face their own parents and grandparents. Some wondered whether the mugger's mother was alive.

"My mom is 95, and if someone ever raised a hand to her ... they'd be dead," said Anthony Riccardelli, 58, who works near the crime scene.

For others, it's not just about getting revenge. Glenridge senior center in Queens decided to bring back self-defense courses after receiving dozens of phone calls on the topic after the attacks.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:13 am
by schuette
we saw that over here and I was disgusted...I dont know how anyone could do that!
I was so glad when they showed the lady talking after it and she still had her spunk about her :-)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:24 am
by Walkinghairball
This should be a planetwide law....
~On Tuesday, lawmakers in the state Senate proposed making it a felony to assault anyone older than 70. Currently, such assaults are misdemeanors, punishable by no more than a year in jail.~

Yeah, the granny had a lot of piss and vinegar left in her that is for sure. Too bad the dude that mugged her has no pork and beans.

He needs to be found and put in prison. The inmates would love him long time I bet.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:50 am
by Big Blue Owl
Not just 9/11: Terror suspect claims he plotted 29 attacks


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed admitted he planned the 9/11 attacks and a catalog of other terrorist acts, according to a transcript of a tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Mohammed said he planned to assassinate former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, and that he plotted to destroy the Panama Canal, Chicago's Sears Tower and London's Big Ben.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:54 am
by Walkinghairball
Big Blue Owl wrote:Not just 9/11: Terror suspect claims he plotted 29 attacks


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed admitted he planned the 9/11 attacks and a catalog of other terrorist acts, according to a transcript of a tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Mohammed said he planned to assassinate former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, and that he plotted to destroy the Panama Canal, Chicago's Sears Tower and London's Big Ben.
And Pope John Paul, and the Empire State Building.

Man that scumbag looks so much like porn star Ron Jeremy....HARF! :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:51 pm
by Kares4Rush

Delp's suicide note: I am a lonely soul

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:31 am
by Big Blue Owl

Delp's suicide note: I am a lonely soul

ATKINSON, N.H. --Brad Delp, the lead singer for the band Boston who killed himself last week, left behind a note in which he called himself "a lonely soul," according to police reports released Thursday.
Toxicology tests by the state medical examiner's office showed that Delp committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. Police said Delp had sealed himself inside a bathroom with two charcoal grills sometime between 11:30 p.m. March 8 and the next afternoon, when he was found by fiancee Pamela Sullivan.
Sullivan told police that Delp "had been depressed for some time, feeling emotional (and) bad about himself," according to the reports.
He was found on the floor of the bathroom, his head on a pillow and a note paper-clipped to the neck of his shirt.
"Mr. Brad Delp. J'ai une ame solitaire. I am a lonely soul," it read.
Sullivan called police after noticing a dryer vent tube connected to the exhaust pipe of Delp's car. In the garage, police found a note taped to the door leading into the house.
"To whoever finds this I have hopefully committed suicide. Plan B was to asphyxiate myself in my car."
In a third note on a door at the top of the stairs, Delp cautioned that there was carbon monoxide inside.
"I take complete and sole responsibility for my present situation. I have lost my desire to live," he wrote. The note also included instructions on how to contact his fiancee. There was a picture of Delp and Sullivan in the bathroom.
"Unfortunately she is totally unaware of what I have done," the note said.
The notes also said the couple's cat, Floppy, should be in a room that was safe from the deadly gas and asked that someone find her and make sure she was all right.
Police later found four sealed letters in an office addressed to Sullivan, his children, their mother, Micki Delp, and another couple whose identity was not disclosed. Police Lt. William Baldwin said police gave the letters to family members without reading them.
Outside the bathroom, police found a carbon monoxide detector with the battery removed.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:42 am
by ElfDude
Man, that's a sad tale.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:21 am
by Kares4Rush
I ran into a friend of mine the day after he died and we were so sad. The news was not out that it was a suicide yet but a mutual friend named Hunter knew him well.

My friend said Hunter saw him two just weeks before and said he was EXTREMELY depressed after breaking up with a girl and we were like, Oh NO!!! I hope he didn't KILL himself! :shock:

So now I see he did. :(

It is so tragic.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:40 am
by YYZ30
Most Germans want speed limit on autobahn?
Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:53 AM ET

BERLIN (Reuters) - Nearly two in three Germans believe a speed limit should be introduced on the car-loving nation's notoriously fast autobahns, according to a new poll.

The European Union's environment commissioner Stavros Dimas and environmental activists in Germany have said speeding on the autobahn wastes energy and called for a speed limit. German Transport Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee has rejected the idea.

The poll for ZDF television published on Friday showed 54 percent of Germans favor a speed limit of 130 kph (80 mph) while another 10 percent would like a limit below that level. Some 35 percent said they did not want any speed limit.

At least a third of German motorways have a speed limit while the rest carry only a recommended top speed of 130 kph where legally drivers can, and often do, travel as fast as they like.

German car firms like BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche, which pride themselves on producing powerful vehicles, fear speed limits on the autobahn would remove some of the allure of their vehicles and harm sales.

The survey also showed that 56 percent of Germans believe flights should be taxed at a higher rate because of the environmental damage they cause.


? Reuters 2007.
So what the hell do the Germans want everyone to do? Walk everywhere and not fart?

I'm telling ya...the more technologically advanced man gets the stupider we get.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:52 am
by ElfDude
Kares4Rush wrote:I ran into a friend of mine the day after he died and we were so sad. The news was not out that it was a suicide yet but a mutual friend named Hunter knew him well.

My friend said Hunter saw him two just weeks before and said he was EXTREMELY depressed after breaking up with a girl and we were like, Oh NO!!! I hope he didn't KILL himself! :shock:

So now I see he did. :(

It is so tragic.
Interesting. The article calls the girl his fiancee. Tom Scholz had some nice stuff to say here:

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:10 am
by schuette
Organisers of a children's concert have given the go-ahead for the three little pigs to appear, after they were banned over fears they might offend Muslims.
Honley Junior School in West Yorkshire was to perform the Roald Dahl story of Little Red Riding Hood and the pigs - but was told to substitute puppies.

Now Kirklees Council has stepped in to allow the pigs a reprieve.

No complaints had been made about the pigs appearing in the Kirklees Primary Music Festival event.

'Something barmy'

The committee organising the concert decided Muslim children may not want to sing about pigs.

However, council education spokesman Jim Dodds told BBC Five Live the decision had been overturned.

He said: "There is something barmy going on here and it has happened on my watch.

"I can tell you now that the three little pigs will be back into the school musical festival.

"The decision (to ban the pigs) was made by well-meaning people - it was the wrong decision, so let's stick with the traditions."
I am so glad at least the council had the common sense to see that some things are going too far on the pc front

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:40 pm
by awip2062
PC should be personal computer. Political Correctness bites!