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Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:39 pm
by schuette
I dont know if he is jealous but hell has a better chance of freezing over before I even talked to him again :lol:

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:40 pm
by schuette
ElfDude wrote:People tend to project their own guilty feelings onto those who make them look bad.

I know exactly where you're coming from, Schu.
That is ver true elfie..very true indeed

and I'm sad that you know where I'm coming from cuz it's pretty shitty...not what I would have wished for at all

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:44 pm
by ElfDude
schuette wrote:
ElfDude wrote:People tend to project their own guilty feelings onto those who make them look bad.

I know exactly where you're coming from, Schu.
That is ver true elfie..very true indeed

and I'm sad that you know where I'm coming from cuz it's pretty shitty...not what I would have wished for at all
Of course not. It hurts a LOT!

But I've found that being bitter just makes it worse. Keep your chin up! :)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:44 pm
by Soup4Rush
its sad when someone uses their kids as a way to get at someone. Jade probably would have loved to had both parents at the drama production.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:57 pm
by schuette
ElfDude wrote:
schuette wrote:
ElfDude wrote:People tend to project their own guilty feelings onto those who make them look bad.

I know exactly where you're coming from, Schu.
That is ver true elfie..very true indeed

and I'm sad that you know where I'm coming from cuz it's pretty shitty...not what I would have wished for at all
Of course not. It hurts a LOT!

But I've found that being bitter just makes it worse. Keep your chin up! :)
I'm lucky not to be bitter....I cried for honestly 5 mins the day after he left and then I laughed...even the next time I saw my mum she was shocked at how I was laughing and smiling again
now if he says anything I take it with a pinch of salt....what is annoying though is if Jade is looking through pics Caelan gets upset that he's not in any pics with his dad....but sad to say that's how kids have to live now-a-days...saying that 5 mins after the photos are away he's back to his usual chheky self :-D

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:58 pm
by schuette
Soup4Rush wrote:its sad when someone uses their kids as a way to get at someone. Jade probably would have loved to had both parents at the drama production.
she would have but she's also (luckily) old enough to know that that is never gonna happen and she's cool with it....Caelan has never seen me and his dad (he left when I was 35 weeks pregnant) together so I really dont think it will be an issue with him...hopefully

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:11 pm
by Soup4Rush
Its sad, my exwife constantly dump on my girls but for some reason they keep forgiving her and letting her back in their lives. She will go months and sometimes years without seeing them. Then out of no where pops back in, makes a bunch of promises, does not deliver than poof! gone again.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:18 pm
by ElfDude
Soup4Rush wrote:Its sad, my exwife constantly dump on my girls but for some reason they keep forgiving her and letting her back in their lives. She will go months and sometimes years without seeing them. Then out of no where pops back in, makes a bunch of promises, does not deliver than poof! gone again.
She's their mom. They love her. They want everything to be okay, so they look for reasons that it might be. Poor kids. :(

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:29 pm
by Soup4Rush
you are absolutly right, I don't slam her in front of them. They need to figure it out on their own. They are teenagers now, so the reality is starting to set in...

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:39 pm
by ElfDude
Soup4Rush wrote:you are absolutly right, I don't slam her in front of them. They need to figure it out on their own. They are teenagers now, so the reality is starting to set in...
Yeah, same here. I try not to say anything mean about her in front of them. They deserve a mom who loves them. My problems with her are grown up problems. The kids don't need to carry the burden of them.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:41 pm
by schuette
I say that about my day they will know what sort of dad my ex is...I dont need to tell them

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:43 pm
by Soup4Rush
and one day justice will be served I suppose. :(

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:03 pm
by ElfDude
Soup4Rush wrote:and one day justice will be served I suppose. :(
Problem is, it will be served against me as well! I am so far from a perfect person...

Fortunately, the God in which I believe is not only just, but merciful.

Or, if you're not a believer, justice will be served because nobody escpaes dying! :twisted:

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:08 pm
by schuette
LOL!! but I'm bringing this thread back on topic......and yes this is Caelan biring his toenails...actually it looks like he's sucking his toe :-D

edited till I fix the pic

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:10 pm
by schuette
oh I'll need to crop that pic...just discovered his 'wee man' is showing :lol: