Wow! Another fine episode! Sylar... He frightens me...
Glad to hear you enjoying one of the rare gems on tv, Ogg! Yay to Hairy for turning you on to this! It's a phenomenal show -- you won't be disappointed as you watch on.
I don't have faith in faith, I don't believe in belief, You can call me faithless, I still cling to hope, And I believe in love, And that's faith enough for me... Neil Peart
Well, thats me now up to date...and with only one episode to go! Typical .
As I was telling Hairy on msn (when he should've been working ) I think the show is excellent. I've just watched episode 22 (that was aired this monday) with the Walker girl etc. The previous episode where it was set five years into the future was awesome. My fav' character has to be Hiro. Without sounding too much of a perv Claire is rather perty...especially when she's five years older
Hmm, I thought the finale was rather flat to be honest. I do enjoy the show although it has yet to captivate in the manner that 'Lost' has. For the record, I have the two part 'Lost' finale to watch later .
ps: My fav' character has to be Hiro, that's the present day one, not the grumpy future Hiro .
pps: What is rather weird is that the cop who can read minds, I forget his name the now., reminds me of my own son Josh...who I imagine would look similar to him when he's older...if you undertsand what i'm implying. I'll stop now.