ElfDude wrote:I was saddened by the price of Gibson's Alex Lifeson model too.
But it's less than those Fenders at least. And far more beautiful.
oh Elf, you have no idea how sad I was too over the Alex Gib.
I want one baaaad, but I'm not taking out a second mortgage to get it.
I remember when I heard that it was released (Alex was being interviewed on local radio). I was so psyched. That guitar to me was the epitome of beauty. No guitar has more mystique to it in my mind. I was gonna buy it, hang the price. Then I saw that it was $3700. I snapped right out of it. It was kinda like having the old man on the Hot Pockets commercial yell at you, "WHY YOU SO STUPID?!"
ElfDude wrote:I was saddened by the price of Gibson's Alex Lifeson model too.
But it's less than those Fenders at least. And far more beautiful.
oh Elf, you have no idea how sad I was too over the Alex Gib.
I want one baaaad, but I'm not taking out a second mortgage to get it.
I remember when I heard that it was released (Alex was being interviewed on local radio). I was so psyched. That guitar to me was the epitome of beauty. No guitar has more mystique to it in my mind. I was gonna buy it, hang the price. Then I saw that it was $3700. I snapped right out of it. It was kinda like having the old man on the Hot Pockets commercial yell at you, "WHY YOU SO STUPID?!"
Now I'm back to my normal lust for Carvins.
HAHAHAHAHA I agree totally Elf. There isn't another one like it, and
I tell ya....it just HURTS. **sniffles**
YYZ30 wrote:Personally, I played a Hamer back in 1995 that I fell in love with- to this day I haven't found one that looked like this one.
Do you know the model? Country where it was made?
I'm told that the USA Hamers of the 90's were absolutely fantastic.
At the time I was young and dumb, and I was in the store with my (then) girlfriend, and she was hungry- sooooooo I didn't get ANY of the markings off of the guitar. It was midnight blue, super fast fretboard, 3 and 3 headstock,H,S,S pickups with a 5 way selector like a strat. Oh I loved how I could change sounds with this thing on the fly...
Looked like a cross between a PRS and a Les Paul...kind of.
CygnusX1 wrote:I really like my American Kramer as well, but it's a heavy guitar.I don't know how EVH managed to sling one for 2-plus hours every night....for years. ?
try my bass, aroundboughts 2x the weight of my guitar, so 13-14 lbs..? kick les pauls square in the nuts , a whole new weight class.? Trust me 2-3 hours with that thing on you get SORE.