Flipping rubberbands pull at my hair another way they stretch to the limits...hmmmm....circles...flex...snap...zip...crash...n...nnnn....no not the rubberbands...or the paperclips...or..wait...ITS THE SAFETY PINS!!!
I am on vacation having a great time, but my people back home are going to the ER and throwing up and...*sigh* What do you do when you can't take care of them?
Monstrous babies drown in their mothers milk...Word milk attacks the lungs and they fill with cheese. Chicks suffocate insde their eggs as the shell closes in from the pressure of the Words outside The unborn await their death and the Words wait outside the womb
Dr. Spud is back along with Dr. H at your service!
Any complex symptoms abnormalities anticipating complicated overwhelming feelings don't be concerned we are here on a mission
My first bit of advice.........
Any advice on proper monkey spankage? Should I hug prior to spanking?
Spankage went out a long time ago as it can trigger an uneasy feeling
my recommendation would be to get a pocket full of shrimp as it will reveal many abnormalities of this mustachio-twirling villain of the trees.