Zivo's words have caused me to ponder. Did anyone predict "the information age"? I remember hearing that phrase used when connecting computers over distances was getting started, but I didn't have a clue what it meant. Heck, I'm still just getting a grip on it today.
I'm not sure I'd define it as magic, but I would call it a miracle. Of course, in many cases, people use those terms interchageably.
As with all technological advancements, the Internet has ended up being used both for good and for evil. From 1996 on, my ex has spent anywhere from 12 to 18 hours each day sitting in chatrooms. Eventually that lead to her doing other things that no marriage could survive. Even before those things were going on, my kids and I had a difficult time having a relationship with the back of someone's head, especially when that someone got angry every time we disturbed her typing.
On the flip side, we have never had such vast amounts of knowledge available to us. I think to see the last greatest advancement in that genre we have to go all the way back to the creation of public libraries. Pretty much any question we have can be answered within a few keystrokes. News is available in so many areas of the world where previously the only news you were given was government progaganda.
I've heard that the third greatest use of the Interent (right after news and porn... there's the old good and evil example showing itself again) is people finding their roots, doing their genealogy. I believe this is a bible prophecy being fulfilled. (Malachi 4: 5-6).
And of course, as Zivo points out, we find friends here.
Thanks for your contribution, By-Tor.