*Hugs my bud*ElfDude wrote:Okay... I get where you're coming from.
*man hugs*
You are the one with the 'stache.
Moderator: Priests of Syrinx
I don't believe I ever used such terminology directed toward the scientists themselves, however, I have stated that I am suspect of dating methods and believe it quite possible the earth is young, about 10,000.Big Blue Owl wrote:Your use of the word "mock" is saddening and a bit of a surprise to me. I never post to mock any of my friends. No, I did not mean you when I mentioned the 5000 year-old earth, but others on this board have argued that scientists are full of crap and that the earth is only thousands of years old.
I don't believe I ever used such terminology directed toward the scientists themselves, however, I have stated that I am suspect of dating methods and believe it quite possible the earth is young, about 10,000.
Sir Myghin wrote:Coal to diamonds take pressure heat and time, right. Kind of the same thing.
Ever heard of lifegem hairy? they make cremated remains or hair locks into diamonds, in 6-9 months.
So even with carbon dating inaccuracies, (sp), there is too much distance in the years proposed between them. Other than that yeah..........Dragon riders and such would be freakin cool.I don't see why dinos and humans could not have coexisted, and think that they would be a good basis for all the dragon stories.
As can the person who might have told someone a long long time ago to believe everything in this book or you will burn in hell for all eternity.Controlled labs can do amazing things, like make diamonds in exceptional times.
Thank you for letting me try to figure some of this out.For making bongs and stuff you have thoughtful questions!