"_ _ _ _ _ _ can no longer afford to welcome immigrants who will not integrate into mainstream society"
Fill in the blanks with "Society as a whole" The difference in voluntary bilingualism and enforced bilingualism is that immigrants are then compelled to conduct their business in one of two languages or fail to integrate into a society that will ostracise them because of their lawlessness. The language law will not allow for the unlawful to impose their will. I for one do not mind learning a foreign word or two in order toenhance communication. Business, however is a different ball game and
should be conducted in the official international language of business which is English. I don't know if people actually want things to be as they were back home as some of those homes are in tatters. They want merely a chance at living in a democratic society that has fairly upheld written laws. Not lawlessness like their home country. I am very troubled by the current state of immigration. I am Canadian and went through all the difficult, expensive, processes necessary for me to become a permanent resident alien with a green card that enables me to work and pay my fair share of taxes. I see every day other human beings who do not contribute the same efforts and it is very upsetting to know that my tax dollars are available to pay for their various food stamp and health care scams.
As far as the cash leaving this country every day, the government really needs to issue work visas to these people after documenting that they are
not actually dangerous criminals, so that it could collect missing tax dollars on all those workers who are paid under the table for doing jobs that
members of this continent simply will not or can not do. Wouldn't it be better to spend money on the visa process instead of building a stupid wall that will be scaled anyway. If people come across the Straits of Florida on rafts through shark infested waters under blazing hot sun through storms at sea, what will prevent them from climbing a simple wall? Is there any difference between dying of gunfire or of the perils of the sea? Either way these people have nothing to lose and will continue to enter this country illegally unless the quantity of available visas is in increased immensely. Is it fair that the Cubans who float on in and happen to land on dry land are welcomed and given assistance to integrate and the ones who happen to be caught out at sea are repatriated (Wet foot Dry foot) These same generosities are not extended to Haitians or other nationalities that arrive the same way. Just the Cubans who, do not, integrate well at all and insist on forcing their culture and wasteful ways upon the legal residents of Florida.
The tourism, construction,agriculture and other industry sectors depend heavily upon Central American laborers to produce their products so they may pay their share of tax dollars and continue to swell the GDP. Why can't the government of the United States realize this soon and get some control over the money that is spent on the necessary labor and collect the personal income taxes to pay for social programs that benefit all who legally reside here. What is the value of the huge percentage of tax dollars lost due through undocumented aliens who persist working and paying nothing back to the country that hosts them? Instead their money
goes to support their home countries economy and feed and shelter their loved ones left behind.
After all, is it not how this continent became so great in the first place. Immigrants from various European countries came here produced success in their endeavors after their home countries became too crowded or violent to do so.The Italians, Polish, German, Ukrainian, Russian,Irish, British, etc. immigrants of the past came here under tough circumstances and integrated into society to become successful in order to give back to this country that gave them shelter. Who among us cannot look back over our family tree and spot at least one of those nationalities hidden in it? They were proud to learn and speak English and appear as American or Canadian as they could. My own Grandmother was one of them. Today's immigrants are the opposite. They come to take all they can from the open coffers through fraud and scamming and do not return anything but their illegal labor to the mix. It is detrimental to this nation that they are not recognized, documented and allowed to contribute their share. They are simply not allowed to contribute because they are not able to obtain the necessary temporary or permanent work visas which provide a social security number that will track their earnings and tax them appropriately. It is so backwards!
Immigrants of a long bygone era, came here under strife and persisted to interweave into the fabric of North America and prosper to leave a legacy of successes for us to emulate. They came through Ellis island and survived incarceration, interrogation and examination under a microscope for anti social tendencies and disease. After which they were free to pass through the gates, mostly empty handed,to live in a country that did not abuse their human rights. History, apparently, is not repeating itself in this case.
I completely agree with the Dutch eligibility screening and believe that in this day and age we are obligated to know just who is living under our roof. The USA should have the same un-scammable process. If we were more aware of the dangerous criminals who entered this country illegally and under assumed names,we may not have had to mourn the continued loss of thousands of souls as a result of the WTC attacks. When is the establishment going to wake up and see that the money is being spent in all the wrong places and needs to be brought under control to repair the tatters that this country is falling into? I can only hope that the election will bring about better times for all.
One more thing on illegal immigrants, imagine you are a recently arrived Haitian fresh off the boat, thankful to be alive, and your new job is picking okra( a southern vegetable used in gumbos and stew) Picking okra is a terrible job because the plant is covered in stinging hairs and full of a sticky irritating milky exudate.When you are picking you okra, it is at least 92 degrees fahrenheitand you are wrapped in a mummy like cloth and plastic gloves to protect you from the irritating plant. For this you get paid about $1.50 for each bushel you pick in a day. You may be able to stand it long enough to pick say 30 bushels. So, for a terribly long laborious day you have earned a total of $45. If given the chance you would be glad to pay income taxes on that money so your children could be eligible for the social programs available in this wonderful place in which you now work. Then you find out that there is no way for you to contribute due to the lack of availability of a visa.You must now depend on charitable causes to assist you in life. Will you return to Haiti where your children will surely starve or succumb to disease and where you will be forced to live under the terror of the gangs that control your government, or will you continue to suffer through the tortures of your job just in to maintain your simple sustenance existing quietly on the fringes of a great nation that is in such a state of confusion that they cannot sort themselves out to make a little room for you? Where is the humanity in this? I demand to know.
One World in Peace is my hope! Coexist!