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Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:30 pm
by ElfDude
Walkinghairball wrote:
Hey, I hear the talk about video proof about the ice caps melting and I wonder..............................It is JUST LIKE the ice melting in my drinking water.
We just saw in the news that the polar ice caps are melting on Mars as well...
Sounds like this is a lot bigger than just us and our SUV's and lightbulbs.
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:42 pm
by Walkinghairball
ElfDude wrote:Walkinghairball wrote:
Hey, I hear the talk about video proof about the ice caps melting and I wonder..............................It is JUST LIKE the ice melting in my drinking water.
We just saw in the news that the polar ice caps are melting on Mars as well...
Sounds like this is a lot bigger than just us and our SUV's and lightbulbs.
Well you know them Aliens eat lotsa beans..........right?
Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 8:52 am
by Big Blue Owl
Fuck it. Blow the shitty planet up for all I care. It will only make we the present lifers uncomfortable. The real horrors will be shoveled out to children and grandchildren. If those that have them want to gamble and deny, who am I to give a crap?
Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 10:00 am
by ElfDude
Big Blue Owl wrote:Fuck it. Blow the shitty planet up for all I care. It will only make we the present lifers uncomfortable. The real horrors will be shoveled out to children and grandchildren. If those that have them want to gamble and deny, who am I to give a crap?
Please don't misunderstand me. You're talking to an old Eagle Scout here who loves nature and is a conservationist at heart. I despise clear-cutting. Though my state has no good recycling programs, I save all the aluminum cans anyway and take 'em somewhere to be recycled. Virtually all my "political" views have to pass through the "what kind of world will this leave for my kids" filter. I definitely want us to find alternative fuels and such.
It's just that I also don't like being lied to. And all the sweeping legislation that being talked about now to combat man-made global warming is based on lies. So, I'm bristling and trying to spread some truth.
Not saying anything bad about you. You know you're right up there in my "People I think the world of" list.
Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:31 am
by Big Blue Owl
Dude! I meant nothing personally either. And my ranting didn't actually originate from here. I'm confronted in close proximity about this and most other topical subjects of interest and these threads seem to be an ideal place to be brave enough to vent the passion I sometimes feel (I guess).
This particular subject has just exasperated me to the point of having to dig way down and scrape the bottom for the billion dollar question; Given the fact that there may be lying, profiteering, whatever the sin, don't we, as you said, want to do the most we can to help to clean up what all 6.7 billion of us are messing up every day? And if not for ourselves and our wallets, for the children of the future's lives?
Or that blowing up thing I said before...that'd work too
And as I've said many times; Love you guys...
Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 3:17 pm
by zepboy
I wonder if human stress is contributing to global warming?
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 1:00 pm
by ElfDude
Dang, L. Ron Gore really is talking like a religious leader now...
Gore sees 'spiritual crisis' in warming
Web Posted: 05/05/2007 11:12 PM CDT
Anton Caputo
Playing equal parts visionary, cheerleader and comedian, Al Gore brought his message of how to fight global warming to a capacity crowd of receptive architects Saturday in San Antonio.
The former vice president referred continually to a "new way of thinking" that is emerging in the country and offered hope in the battle to control the effects global warming will have on the planet.
"It's in part a spiritual crisis," Gore told the crowd in the Convention Center at the American Institute of Architects national convention. "It's a crisis of our own self-definition ? who we are. Are we creatures destined to destroy our own species? Clearly not."
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 4:15 pm
by zepboy
The Antichrist?
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:05 pm
by ElfDude
zepboy wrote:The Antichrist?
L. Ron Gore hardly fits the profile of the antichrist...
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:28 pm
by awip2062
Today...ya never know what may be revealed.
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:45 pm
by zepboy
It's people's disbelief in the AntiChrist being just that which allows him to ged away with what he will ged away with!
Noone will seriously suspect until it is too late for many.
Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:08 am
by Big Blue Owl
I think the AntiChrist is the twat in Schu's signature
Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:10 am
by Walkinghairball
Oh yeah, I snarfed too.
Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:20 am
by ElfDude
Back on topic... Spiegel has a pretty comprehenive article today. ... 84,00.html
Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 1:46 pm
by awip2062
Quite the article, Elfie. It does bring to mind a question, too.
He states: It was not until the rise of the environmental movement in the 1980s that everything suddenly changed. From then on it was almost a foregone conclusion that global warming could only be perceived as a disaster for the earth's climate.
Is it really a disater for the earth's climate or is it just a disaster for life as we know it? Why is it that we think that the climate of, say, 50 years ago, is the healthy earth climate?
I think it is because we are speciesists. We believe the climate that is best for our kind and the plants we favor and the animals we favor is the healthy climate, even though there have been many other climates in the past.