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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:08 pm
by Walkinghairball
OMG !!!!!!

Big mouth, insert FEET brother!!!!!!

Elder, welcome to the nicest bunch of assholes you will ever meet. :-D :razz: :D :lol: :P :lol: :shock: :razz: :-D

Man, I miss so much fun when I have to work. :(

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:17 am
by ElderberryRyan
Can't be worse than some of the boys i've met on tour, let's put it that way!

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:59 am
by schuette
Ogg wrote:
You think this is picking on the new guy? Who like your goodself is also I detect a little crush there my girl :oops: :oops: :-D
Nah, lets pray he never happens across Schu' first thing in the morning without her beer and ciggies! :-D
how the fuck did I get dragged into it :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:10 am
by Ogg
Walkinghairball wrote:OMG !!!!!!
Big mouth, insert FEET brother
schuette wrote:
Ogg wrote:
You think this is picking on the new guy?
Nah, lets pray he never happens across Schu' first thing in the morning without her beer and ciggies! :-D
how the fuck did I get dragged into it :lol:
:-D :-D :-D I was wondering when you were going to show up here Schu' :-) .

Elderberrywine, dont be put off mate. We're like this all the time here and I can safely say this is the friendliest, nicest, most wonderful bunch of Rushies you're ever likely to meet. Everything is tongue in cheek here so do not take us, and in paticular me (that's me as in myself not 'Me') too seriously mate.

*grumbles about this damn youngster and his talk of touring* jammy git :-D
awip2062 wrote:We DO have a minime here at BT but she hasn't posted since 2 April, 2005.
t you pedantic traitor :-D 'For the LAST time I was referring to 'Mini' who I christened 'minime' for some reason that esapes me the now...OK??? :x :-D

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:11 am
by schuette
Ogg wrote:
schuette wrote:
Ogg wrote:
You think this is picking on the new guy?
Nah, lets pray he never happens across Schu' first thing in the morning without her beer and ciggies! :-D
how the fuck did I get dragged into it :lol:
:-D :-D :-D I was wondering when you were going to show up here Schu' :-) .
and that's not true anyway...first thing in the morning it's a coffee and a cig...I usually try to stay off the beer till at least 11am :razz:

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:25 am
by Walkinghairball
Keyword......................TRIES ! :-D :razz:

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:21 am
by Kares4Rush

I checked out your sites. Cool beans, my young talented musician! 8)

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:30 am
by schuette
Walkinghairball wrote:Keyword......................TRIES ! :-D :razz:
piss off :razz:

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:46 am
by Me
Tis true Schuette' trys but most days she might just skip the coffee and go right for the beer.

Yes' Ogg, there is a Minime here and it is my wife so easy there big fellar :razz: :shock: :-D Maybe you can call Mini...Minimuffin :razz: MiniMe is taken and how she puts up with Me, I don't really know.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:53 am
by schuette
the only reason I go for beer early is cuz I come here and need a drink to get through all the shit you all post :razz:

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:57 am
by Me
LMAO and the only reason I am addicted to pain killers is because of all the pain you all put Me through. :razz:

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:00 am
by schuette
get it right...everyone else puts you through pain...I dont :-D

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:07 am
by Me
Oh' just spank Me and get on with it, nevertheless I didn't get to see a naked picture of you either. :razz:

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:16 am
by schuette
nobody has ever saw a naked pic of me :razz:

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:25 am
by ElfDude
schuette wrote:nobody has ever saw a naked pic of me :razz:
Heaven knows I've begged...