Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 7:51 pm
if she dun't like rush lose her
Ohhh! That would be V dressed up in my clothes wearing a wig.wcp wrote:Well she looks kinda like H, except rich! so she can afford much MUCH better Grog than H and she has a lot more candy and chocolate than H and she likes to give it to me...cause she is my sister...that's about all.
Nah, a bassist is just someone who doesn't have enough ego to be a guitaristSir Myghin wrote:I'm a bassist... But i think, apparently the average basist population is in competition with the drummers for first to gain complete inneptitude?
He liked the feel but said that they had a dark sound. When he first tried using a Wal bass in the studio he loved the brightness of it so much that he ended up using it on the entire album (Power Windows) and played it pretty much exclusively for a few years after that.cobraman wrote:I bought a Steinberger (headless, solid graphite bass) like Geddy used in Grace under pressure. Anyone know why he stopped using that bass? They look funny, but sound great, and are great for bass players that also play keyboards.