Walkinghairball wrote:Michelle Bachmann needs to shut up and get some smart people in her camp. Happy birthday Elvis..........................on the anni of his death. *SMH*
I wonder if she can see Russia from her house as well???
But she remembered that there are 50 states instead of 57.
Hey Cyg, you feel that earthquake? I was mailing a package and like WTF, first I thought this lady was shaking the counter but realized it was an earthquake. They said it was 5.8 right outside of Richmond.
'sup Xanny! Yeah homey! I was sitting at at my desk, then my cubicle
started shaking, then the WALLS...then my stuff started falling off the
shelves...We got rattled pretty good!
We had a light aftershock at 8:05pm and a stronger one at 12:45am this
morning. Both were really quick - about 10 seconds.
The 12:45 shook me out of bed. All quiet since.
We just had some stuff fall off the walls and shelves, but nothing trashed
here at home. We're fine, but the cats totally FREAKED OUT.
I was wondering how our Bters did in that quake. Just under 6 is not a bad quake but a decent one. Glad to hear you two chime in about it. I hear H didn't even notice it in Syracuse cuz she was working but people sitting did and Lizzy felt it.
Logan didn't care after I got home, he was asleep actually...but my brother's cat was freaked. His tail was almost puffed. I noticed some things fell over on my desk...I'm just glad my herbs (in mason jars) didn't fall on the floor. Just tea herbs, don't be silly.