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Post by ElfDude »

Voting fraud in Nevada. And with ACORN, SEIU, The Tides Foundation and the rest of the usual gang of suspects still on the loose, I expect this is going on all over the place.
LAS VEGAS -- Some voters in Boulder City said they are concerned about fraud at the electronic ballot box.

Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked.

Ferrara said she wasn't alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen.

"Something's not right," Ferrara said. "One person that's a fluke. Two, that's strange. But several within a five minute period of time -- that's wrong."

Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said there is no voter fraud, although the issues do come up because the screens are sensitive. For that reason, a person may not want to have their fingers linger too long on the screen after they choose their candidate.

"Especially in a community with elderly citizens (they have) difficulty in (casting their) ballot," Lomax said. "Team leaders said there were complaints (and the) race filled in."

Lomax said voters need to have faith in the system.

"This election, I think, more than ever," he said. "The two sides are very fractured and each side is suspicious and we're caught in the middle."
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Post by CygnusX1 »

The hardcore lefties are imploding, and they'll try anything at this point to
steal the election. They KNOW it's their Alamo.

This could get really nasty.

In the meantime:

- SEIU thugs are "maintaining" voting machines in parts of Nevada. NICE. ... -election/

- Sigette just informed me of some arrests in Daytona Beach, FL for
absentee ballot voter fraud. NICE.

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Post by YYZ30 »

A friend of mine from high school said it best this morning:

"It's official. MA voters really are fucking stupid."

That is all.
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Post by Soup4Rush »

YYZ30 wrote:A friend of mine from high school said it best this morning:

"It's official. MA voters really are fucking stupid."

That is all.

And to top it off, they root for the Patriots!! Oh.. The horror!! :razz: :-D
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Post by ElfDude »

YYZ30 wrote:A friend of mine from high school said it best this morning:

"It's official. MA voters really are fucking stupid."

That is all.
Nevada voters too.
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Post by CygnusX1 »

I'm sure the fix was in there Bro, just like Nevada.

How could Reid be down 5 points yesterday and win by 7?

You smell what I smell?

And I can't even MENTION California. They'd rather have Boxer stay
there drying up the most fertile land in the U.S. - for the sake of a 2 inch
inedible fish.

You know, if California was to break off the U.S. continent today, it
wouldn't bother me in the least.

Good luck with the choices you made California - and forget about
another bailout. Not gonna happen.

You guys "totally, like, screwed-the-pooch" this time.

All eyes are on the debacle in WA now. If Murray wins, I'm convinced
that they're batsh*t crazy up there too.
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Post by YYZ30 »

Soup4Rush wrote:
YYZ30 wrote:A friend of mine from high school said it best this morning:

"It's official. MA voters really are fucking stupid."

That is all.

And to top it off, they root for the Patriots!! Oh.. The horror!! :razz: :-D
Really? You want to drag sports into a thread about politics?

I am spitting mad about the fact I live in a state that clearly half the voting population has been lobotomized/are on the take. It's a damn shame that people cannot see the forest for the trees around here and see what is going on - either that or they are getting paid by the system using my hard earned money. I find it very unsettling that someone like myself that had to work three jobs to stay in a house that I am upside down in - yet there are people living here that live for free off of the state because they know how to work the system. You want change? Not in this state pal.

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Post by CygnusX1 »

That SUCKS, Zed.

The pundits think "Bawney" will be subpoenaed early next year in a wave
of investigations.

That could get "ve-wy in-ter-west-ing."
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Post by Soup4Rush »

YYZ30 wrote:
Soup4Rush wrote:
YYZ30 wrote:A friend of mine from high school said it best this morning:

"It's official. MA voters really are fucking stupid."

That is all.

And to top it off, they root for the Patriots!! Oh.. The horror!! :razz: :-D
Really? You want to drag sports into a thread about politics?

I am spitting mad about the fact I live in a state that clearly half the voting population has been lobotomized/are on the take. It's a damn shame that people cannot see the forest for the trees around here and see what is going on - either that or they are getting paid by the system using my hard earned money. I find it very unsettling that someone like myself that had to work three jobs to stay in a house that I am upside down in - yet there are people living here that live for free off of the state because they know how to work the system. You want change? Not in this state pal.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss"

sure.. why not? since Politics suck and all.. :-D just more of the same.. at least we won't hear Pelosi talk anymore.. Thats a good thing..
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Post by CygnusX1 »

Personally, I feel much better about Boehner being 3rd in line to carry the
football instead of SanFranNan, or is it just me?
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Post by Soup4Rush »

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Post by awip2062 »

When I checked the paper this morning, Murray was less than one percentage point ahead of Rossi. I remember a few years back there was a similar situation with the Democrat just behind the Republican and there were recounts until the all the votes were counted and they even spoke of correcting mistakea that the voter had made on the ballot so that the voters' intent was counted for them. I am really wondering how it will all be handled this time. Will Rossi call for recount after recount? Will he be allowed a recount at all? *sigh* I wish I could trust my own government.
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Post by Walkinghairball »

awip2062 wrote: *sigh* I wish I could trust my own government.

You and me both kiddo.
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Post by CygnusX1 »

Is it true that King County has a reputation of throwing close elections in
favor of the democrat? ... n15866255/

I've heard it mentioned a few times now in this election, and by more
than one pundit. I hope it's just a rumor.
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Post by CygnusX1 »

Found this exchange in "comments" this morning:

h/t to EPROM
Posted on November 3, 2010 at 6:40pm

"?Jim Demint & Michelle Bachmann in 2112! ?.Yes?"

h/t to grandmommie
Posted on November 3, 2010 at 7:21pm

"2112 is way too long???.how about 2012?"

h/t to UlyssesP
Posted on November 3, 2010 at 8:20pm

"Yeah 2112! Vote out the Priests of The Temples Of Syrinx!"

h/t to mike_
Posted on November 3, 2010 at 8:32pm


h/t to EPROM
Posted on November 4, 2010 at 3:33am

"2112 ?Geeeze! ?I guess I shouldn?t 'Rush' to hit the reply button."
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