Here's a rather stoned one pic of moi, mere seconds before our boss popped in to question why I didnt ring the alarm section of the royal mail? (and nearly catching me rolling a big fat doobie in the process ) Our sunday afternoon jam ruined his day off and of course I did forget to phone to say I've disabled the alarm system. Sunny day so I decided to stay indoors but a happy pic none-the-less ...and a good jam too.
Nah, but I would've been if it was my other boss, phew! Quite funny when you think about it, five mins later and he'd have walked into a smoke filled room and that would've been hard to explain .
Last edited by Ogg on Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nah, but I would've been if it was my other boss, phew! Quite funny when you think about it, five mins later and he'd walked into a smoke filled room and that would've been hard to explain .
Honest, Boss, I was playing so fast the heads just started smokin'!
Very nice pictures you all, thanks for letting me see yous for my stalking purposes
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.