I went to imageshack.com and it doesn't seem to be a photosharing site, but a site full of links pointing to sellers of things. Let's see what a google search does...
There it is! imageshack.us
I'll try to use pics from 'ere so's you can see 'em, Cygers.
I had one of those cool, trippy moments a little while ago.
I was standing outside of the building at work on a break under an overhanging awning which was "protecting" me from the rain. I thought of something Neil said. "I guess if I HAVE to work, I'm glad that I am able to." At that time I'm staring at the wet ground and thought, "Whoa! Right under that blacktop is the ground...the earth! This miraculous improbable ball of rock spinning in space, and somehow I'm lucky enough to be standing on it. And check it out; if I want to be over there I merely have to...walk there! Aaaaaaand, I can see all the way over to there, where other stuff is lucky to be sitting and standing on this planet. And wait...those clouds...
It went on like that for a while and then I took a deep breath and came back into the building (built on the earth!) to finish my shift with my head in the aforementioned clouds
Big Blue Owl wrote:I had one of those cool, trippy moments a little while ago.
I was standing outside of the building at work on a break under an overhanging awning which was "protecting" me from the rain. I thought of something Neil said. "I guess if I HAVE to work, I'm glad that I am able to." At that time I'm staring at the wet ground and thought, "Whoa! Right under that blacktop is the ground...the earth! This miraculous improbable ball of rock spinning in space, and somehow I'm lucky enough to be standing on it. And check it out; if I want to be over there I merely have to...walk there! Aaaaaaand, I can see all the way over to there, where other stuff is lucky to be sitting and standing on this planet. And wait...those clouds...
It went on like that for a while and then I took a deep breath and came back into the building (built on the earth!) to finish my shift with my head in the aforementioned clouds
What an awesome perspective, BBrO! Now if I could just keep that attitude all the time...hmm...*ponders this*
Awesome BBO thanks for the inspiration. By the way there's gold under your feet too only because you have the heart to see it glisten.
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.