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Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 10:23 am
by Slaine mac Roth
Mr. Bill wrote:New-fangled colonies... :lol:

I will have you know sir that I live in a "colony" that still marks Victoria Day, reruns "Faulty Towers" continously, was brought up in an Anglican Church and yes, I sang "God save the Queen" in elementary school and I still think Pagey was the greatest.

I've been a good little subject!

Can I have some more sir.... :lol:
Well Bill, you've more than proved that you are far, far removed from Britain.

At present, we're not allowed to celebrate any English holidays (certainly not St George's Day although St Patrick's, St Andrew's and St David's are permissable) in case we offend any non-English. I'm not sure if God Save the Queen is permissible. Probably not as it may offend any Muslims, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Druids or any non-christian religion that has one or less members. By watching Fawlty Towers you have really given yourself away. According to the popular press here, the comedy which anyone watches in England is Friends (which I hate, but then again, I do have Italian blood in me).

Aren't you glad you don't live over here? The only really wprthwhile thing is the real ale.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 10:28 am
by schuette
you do realise that slaine is talking about England and not Scotland which is a wonderful place to live :wink:

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 12:07 pm
by Sir Myghin
none of these places are nearly as grand as canada though

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 12:24 pm
by Mr. Bill
I know that Schuey...

I live in New Scotland. Had a wonderful visit to a small town outside of St. Andrews called Crail a few years ago. That's where my trail ended tracing my birthmother's birthplace.

I looked out towards the North Sea and said "yep...this feels about right".

Funny thing was her father was born in Dublin and her mother in Bristol, but I've always considered myslef Canadian - then one of you.

Poor Slain...his country has gone straight to the shitter. Remember Slain, everyone, everywhere speaks the language more now than ever before.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 6:28 pm
by Slaine mac Roth
Let me put my position straight here (thankfully no-one seemed to take my colonial comments the wrong way).

I am proud to be English due to my English heritage.
I am proud to be Scottish because of my Scottish hertiage
I am proud to be Italian because of my Italian heritage

Now, in England only two of these statements are acceptable.

It seems to be unacceptable for anyone in England to take pride in being English. For example, a council employee in, I think, Northampton was told to remove a pen holder form his desk because it contained the English Flag and was visible to people outside through his window and could cause offence to ethnic minorities. I mean, how ridiculous can you get.

I think everyone should take pride in their heritage.

OK, some of the things the English have done in the past are nothing to be proud of, Then again, there are episodes in every nation's history that its people would rather forget.

So, take pride in your nation
Take pride in your heritage
And tell the PC brigade to bollocks.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 7:40 pm
by *Lifesonite
What about all of the immigrants that come to YOUR country and fly THEIR flag? I mean really, if you like Puerto Rico so much I am sure we could deport you :roll: Doesn't all of this majority being careful not to offend the minority inadvertantly by being a majority business offend the minority? I know it would offend me!

Not that I have a problem with a Puerto Rican flag, but when my neighborhood started to fill up with them it was downright offensive. I didn't want to live in no barrio!

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 8:46 pm
by awip2062
I hate it when the "majority" think they have to do things to be careful not to offend me. Or to "help" me because I am in the minority. That offends me!

I am proud of all the heritages I have. The one from my dad and the many from my mom. All have their good and their bad parts in their histories.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 8:51 pm
by Sir Myghin
with the rate of human error how do we expect to have a nice white history?

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:00 pm
by Mr. Bill
Being a Canuck gives me a unique perspective on nationality and being patriotic. Trust me. We may seem to have trouble but it is our own tolerance that exposes our unique freedom.

As I drive around my city I can see any number of various flags. In fact, on my street I notice a Greek one, a Union Jack, a handsome gold trim New England style family plaque complete with eagle (I know their Yanks) and an Aussie flag always flyin'.

We see American and a ton of French flags and of course the Acadian adapation. Then there is the fleur de lis and it's point of friction.

I have a Cross of St. Andrew on my bumper. Angus, King of the Picts.

Maybe our unique perspective comes from a lack of significant accomplishment. Is that true? Well no, because as a nation we have done a lot with very few people. Maybe because we had less to loose. More likely because we started as a nation divided and was brought together, not by war, but by peaceful union.

There is no central Canadian identity really. It's the face of a 1000 different people from a 1000 different places all struggling to identify their culture and history. Our aboriginal peoples have a large stake in the country. In fact, they now have their own territory. A place about the size of the UK and that trend is growing!

Through all that, nationality in Canada has taken a beating. But somehow, because of it's very survival perhaps, it is growing stronger than ever. The kids love it. For the first time Canadians are waking up to the fact that what we have is "different" and worth protecting.

But...there needs to be balance and commitment for that to survive. That's why the Maple Leaf flys in my backyard.

Colourful flags when unfurled....are just rags at the end of the day.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:11 pm
by ElfDude
Slaine mac Roth wrote: At present, we're not allowed to celebrate any English holidays (certainly not St George's Day although St Patrick's, St Andrew's and St David's are permissable) in case we offend any non-English. I'm not sure if God Save the Queen is permissible. Probably not as it may offend any Muslims, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Druids or any non-christian religion that has one or less members.
I'm really sorry to hear that. The U.S. is on the same path.

It's such a shame when the politically correct won't be satisfied until they completely destroy a nations culture and replace it with the culture of the third world.

Back to the ZZ thing... I saw them in concert in 1986. It was pretty fun. I've never purchased any of their music. My favorite song of theirs was the Manic Mechanic.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:18 pm
by *Lifesonite
The world is becoming more and more of a melting pot, but still there are so many differences. I like to think so anyways! I seriously doubt those crazies will succeed in destroying everything they want to in the name of 'the right', but you never know.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 3:40 am
by Slaine mac Roth
I will admit that I find National Identity and patriotism a loaded subject full pitfalls and traps.

At its best, national identity is a source of pride and a way to celebrate that each of us, wherever we are from, are unique and special. I am not much for the cod-philosophy in Star Trek, but I do like the concept of IDIC that was featured - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. In other words, embrace the differences we all have but remain true to yourself.

At its worst it is a source of hatred, prejudice and bigotry. As Neil put it, the 'better people, better food, better beer' syndrome. Liek anything, it is a bad thing when it is taken to extremes.

I notice that people often have difficulty seperating national pride from patriotism. I will admit that I am not much of patriot - that only really surfaces when England are involved in some sort of sporting event- but I do have a great deal of national pride. As I have said earlier, I take a greatpride in being English and in my English heritage. I only have to walk around some of our cities, seeing the magnificent buildings that are there, for it to swell greatly. The same applies when I walk around our beautiful countryside.

Patriotism is often what leads to the likes of the BNP in England.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 12:46 pm
by Mr. Bill
Great post Slaine.

"In other words, embrace the differences as we all have but remain true to yourself".

Exactly. I could not have said that better.

Now is a perect time to spin "I'm bad, I'm Nationwide" once again.