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Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 5:01 am
by zepboy
CygnusX1 wrote:Just keep in mind that all BHO did was give the ok.
I heard, cannot recall the source, that BHO actually didn't make the call. Leon Panetta was so fed up at BHO's waffling, he gave the go order himself.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 5:31 am
by CygnusX1
If that's true, it's interesting (to say the least).
As normal as that may seem (given BHO's track record on leadership),
I'm waiting for further info before I lay a smackdown.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:48 am
by CygnusX1
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 9:57 am
by awip2062
So now that Al Qaeda believes he is dead, do you think they will step up their game or just posture?
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:36 am
by CygnusX1
Here's a hint, but you won't see/hear a PEEP from the "Ministry of Information" [read: liberal media] about it:
Doesn't that just give you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside?
"Big Sis" is TOTALLY looking out for us, dude. Totally.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:45 am
by Soup4Rush
you know... I dont really consider myself Republican or Democrat..kind of a moderate.. I think both Bush and Obama have done some really good things and both have made mistakes.. I think the president be it republican or democrat probably takes undeserved heat when something goes wrong and maybe undeserved credit when things go right..
The fact is I think both Bush and Obama both did a good job in staying the course in bringing Bin laden to justice.. They both deserve quite a bit of credit.. as well as all of the servicemen who have fought and continue to fight the good fight.. This was not a Democratic or Republican Event, it was an American event..
I think it was hypocritical the way Bush was slammed for his foreign policies by the Democrats during his tenure and I think it is equally hypocritical for Rebublicans to slam Obama the way he handled the middle east.
But that is the way it goes.. Had Bush Invaded Lybia, the Democrats would be screaming like the republicans are screaming now over Obama doing it.. makes no sense to me.. both presidents have ran thier presidencies pretty much the same way.. I guess it matters if you are a Republican or Democrat on how you view the President and what he is doing or not doing.. that just seems hypocritical..
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:04 pm
by CygnusX1
Some of us are tired of it all Soup.
BOTH sides of the aisle dropped the ball at one time or another.
Vote 'em ALL out. It's the only way to get REAL "change"...
what? Dude...hold on...something's coming across the wire.
This just in to the BT News ticker:
***THIS IS A BY-TOR NEWS ALERT*** ... ded#at=149
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:18 pm
by Soup4Rush
ok.. are we any better or worse now than we were say in 2006? I dont think all that much as changed since 2006.. two presidencys.. gas prices are still high, unemployment is still up... still at war would it really matter who is in the Presidential seat right now.. All I see is a bunch of finger pointing from both the left and right.. and it depends if you are republican or democrat on what your opinion is..
My boss is a staunch republican... and the things I hear him bash Obama for now were the same things I heard him defending Bush 5 years ago..
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:29 pm
by ElfDude
Soup4Rush wrote:ok.. are we any better or worse now than we were say in 2006? I dont think all that much as changed since 2006.. two presidencys.. gas prices are still high, unemployment is still up... still at war would it really matter who is in the Presidential seat right now.. All I see is a bunch of finger pointing from both the left and right.. and it depends if you are republican or democrat on what your opinion is..
My boss is a staunch republican... and the things I hear him bash Obama for now were the same things I heard him defending Bush 5 years ago..
I'm not a Republican. More like a registered independant with Libertarian leanings. But in 2006 wasn't the annual deficit spending at about $226 billion for the year? This year the deficit spending was over $200 billion just for the month of February.
In 2006 unemplyment was around 4.6%. This month it's 9%.
In 2006 gas was around $1.89 per gallon. You know what it is now.
And in 2006 we didn't have a federal mandate that you have health insurance or go to jail. That will be going into effect soon unless the supreme court stops it.
I see big differences, mate.
Do I want another George Bush? No.
I want another George Washington.
And we're running out of time fast.
Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:51 pm
by awip2062
I am tired of it, too, and I wish the solution was as easy as shrugging, striking, whatever you want to call it, but it isn't.
We as a nation have messed up. Not we Republicans or we Democrats or we Independants but we as a whole.
How to get real change? Well, I don't see us getting ay real change with a different Democrat or Republican because both of them have gotten us here and both of them have such a focus on their need to be in power so they can make change that they fight and mudsling and do all sorts of things to keep the other from getting any that there is no change for us.
I really think the change has to come from us. From we the people. Until our values change, until we are fed up enough to change ourselves, nothing will improve.
And it is gonna hurt if we get to that point.
But I have little hope that we as a nation will get to that point. Did you see how much personal "income" was from a government check this past year? Near 20%! It is hard to give up the teat.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:27 am
by YYZ30
Otep (the metal performer) said it best...
"It's not about right and's about right and wrong"
She's a smart cookie.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:59 am
by awip2062
Of course! Otep is metal therefore Otep must be smart

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:31 pm
by Soup4Rush
On Friday Al Qaeda vowed revenge for Bin laden's death.. We responded by killing 14 more of them bastards..
Predator rules!!!
Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 4:42 am
by CygnusX1
How 'bout that Bro!
OBL is
still dead.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 7:48 am
by YYZ30
awip2062 wrote:Of course! Otep is metal therefore Otep must be smart