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Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:39 am
by Big Blue Owl
Sometimes twisting ideas is the only way for a society of millions of completely different individuals to all have their shot at the pursuit of happiness. As long as my bong hits don't adversely affect anyone else, it should be accepted as "okay." If criminalized, well then all down the line there are adverse affects. Not criminalized, everyone minds there own business and those that want to relieve a little stress and pressure, or have their mind focused slightly differently for creative purposes can get on with it without the threat of the torture of prison or being ostracized.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:55 am
by Xanadu
Not any more twisted than religion :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:04 pm
by Sir Myghin
Big Blue Owl wrote:Sometimes twisting ideas is the only way for a society of millions of completely different individuals to all have their shot at the pursuit of happiness. As long as my bong hits don't adversely affect anyone else, it should be accepted as "okay." If criminalized, well then all down the line there are adverse affects. Not criminalized, everyone minds there own business and those that want to relieve a little stress and pressure, or have their mind focused slightly differently for creative purposes can get on with it without the threat of the torture of prison or being ostracized.
This however is only true if you assume everyone does it in the privacy of their own home, and furthermore all actions caused by use are not outdoors at all and confined, otherwise it would need to be similar to drunk in public, driving regulated heavily, etc. There are as many adverse effects either way, but you will have many more addicts (and yes marijuana is addictive, even if not chemically) if the process goes through. The problem is the addiction may not been seen as as much of an issue.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:49 am
by Xanadu
Legalizing soft drugs and alcohol has never caused more addicts when it was done before. Prohibition has always caused numerous problems though. I don't think making it legal will make stoners any more likely to...ummm what do stoned people do when they're in public? certainly do not get in fights or anything like that. LOL Somebody might try to start something with you and you're like "duuude...just chill man" :-D

On a tangent...I know people who are super religious, overall good people and all...but they are hypocrites! They won't drink, smoke, even drink tea or do any illegal drugs because their body is a temple...and that's cool...BUT they pollute their temple with junk food, candy, sodas, prescription drugs and OTC drugs for every single little ache or other words they use all sorts of chemicals to feel better and they are ADDICTED to sugar and junk food and TV and its TRASHING their health.

My point is, yes they are seriously fucking up their health in my opinion but they have the right to live the way they want to and are not hurting't I live my life the way I want to, I'm not hurting anything? Who's to say what's the right way...truth is, there is no one right way for everyone, one size doesn't fit all, to each is their own.


Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:23 pm
by Sir Myghin
Xanadu wrote:Legalizing soft drugs and alcohol has never caused more addicts when it was done before.
Actually the cheaper alcohol is, and the move prevelent it is in a culture the more alcoholism exists. The same goes for drugs. However when it is legal and deeply rooted in the culture it is often not viewed with the seriousness an illegal substance would be.

the breakdown is as follows, the more available an item is, the more use it, and consequently more abuse it. When prohibitions are enforced it gives the illusion more are breaking it than when it is accepted as it is a bigger deal to society.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:01 am
by Xanadu Holland use and addiction of mary jane by citizens is less that the USA and other countries...I'm talking percentage not numbers. Prohibition causes did with alcohol too. The true cause of addiction and abuse is spiritual, emotional and psychological! Besides, does anyone care about freedom?

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:08 am
by zepboy
I fight every day of my life against personal moral decay. This includes not giving in to the "every one else is doing it" mentality.

I do not believe that drugs, and the legalizing of them is of any long term benefit to a free society. Then again, if a person doesn't value freedom, this is a moot point. Let the drug run freely.

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may die!

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:48 pm
by Xanadu
Hey if you have to fight personal moral decay dude that sucks...sorry to hear that. So are you saying that drugs being illegal is the only thing keeping you from doing them or maybe not specifically that or anything, just in general?

If I want to do something and I knows its right for me and harmless I don't care if everyone is doing it or nobody is doing it and its illegal. Likewise if I don't want to do something then I don't even care if its encouraged and expected by others, I won't do it.

As for comes with responsibility lets not forget that. But I would never trade my freedom for big brother's babysitting...a government that can give you everything can take everything away. Sadly, one by one, our rights and freedom are being taken away...for the "greater good" of know the greater good of the ones that benefit, the powers that be, not the collection of subordinates.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 6:19 pm
by Sir Myghin
Xanadu wrote:Hey if you have to fight personal moral decay dude that sucks...sorry to hear that. So are you saying that drugs being illegal is the only thing keeping you from doing them or maybe not specifically that or anything, just in general?
The path of least resistance makes both man and rivers crooked, but it is ever so easy to take.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:57 pm
by zepboy
Well said.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:58 am
by Xanadu
Sir Myghin wrote:
The path of least resistance makes both man and rivers crooked, but it is ever so easy to take.
I know what you mean...people always criticize you or try and influence you. It helps to know that you know yourself more than anyone and you are the only one to make your choices so really all the power is with you yourself.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:50 pm
by Raiden
If you need to be high to be artistic, you're pathetic. The fact that a lot of "classic rock" was made by stoners who couldn't handle reality is a shame.

To me, legalizing pot says, "We give up". It's against the law and most people ignore that. Making it legal is saying that it's okay. It used to be not-okay, but now for some reason, it is.

Is alcohol taxed? That stuff should definitely be outlawed as well.

Whatever, I'm done

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:24 am
by Soup4Rush
I agree with Xanny. Legalize pot... It kills me that we as a society can feel good about trying to push our morals off on other people. If somebody wants to get stoned in the privacy of their own home, who cares? They are not hurting anybody. If two people of the same sex want to be together and that is what makes them happy... who are we to judge?

*passes Xanny the water bong*

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:35 am
by Walkinghairball
Raiden wrote:If you need to be high to be artistic, you're pathetic. The fact that a lot of "classic rock" was made by stoners who couldn't handle reality is a shame.
You do like Rush don't you??? They are/were what you just described. Other than pathetic.

As medicinal, it is supposedly good for a ton of ailments, including eye problems. What if the benefits could help say................T4EFan???

Is it still so horrible?

Yes Alcohol is taxed like crazy, as are smokes. AS THEY SHOULD BE. And when it was outlawed the place went into gangster era mayhem. So does it need to go there again??? For this??? A little plant that comes natrually from a planet someone/thing created.

Not a blaabust, just pointing some things out. And I know there are rebuttals to this too.

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:14 am
by Xanadu
If you need to be high to be artistic, you're pathetic. The fact that a lot of "classic rock" was made by stoners who couldn't handle reality is a shame.
The non-drug using artists are creative because of their mental problems, so really, what's worse? Rush are truly pathetic then I guess. What's wrong with using a mind tool to create something?
To me, legalizing pot says, "We give up". It's against the law and most people ignore that. Making it legal is saying that it's okay. It used to be not-okay, but now for some reason, it is.

Actually, it used to be LEGAL...weed has been used for THOUSANDS of years, only recently in the last 100 years has it been illegal. People who ignore the law are the ones who are NOT giving up, everyone else has given up on freedom.