Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:01 am
I am an agnostic...awip2062 wrote:So then none of our thoughts can be of any use in the determination of truth.
I am an agnostic...awip2062 wrote:So then none of our thoughts can be of any use in the determination of truth.
Good one.
What a load of absolute total and utter bullshit.ElfDude wrote:So we had this episode at Qana. You know who really killed those people are the Hezbos. Hezbollah put those people in that building and brought the rocket launchers in close by, knowing full well that the launcher would be targeted. That building didn't fall for eight hours after it was hit. What do you bet that the Hezbos finished the job that the Israeli bomb did not actually complete? What do you bet they killed their own people for the PR aspect?
Why? I think this is what happened. This was a complete victory for the Hezbos. This makes Israel look bad and in the radical Islam view those 57 people are in paradise and considered martyrs. Why is it when Muslim children die the world protests, but when Israeli children die no one seems to care? You never see Muslims protesting when Muslims kill Muslims but let a Zionist or one of the evil crusaders kill a Muslim and its time to riot. That DA, is bullshit IMHODevil's Advocate wrote:What a load of absolute total and utter bullshit.ElfDude wrote:So we had this episode at Qana. You know who really killed those people are the Hezbos. Hezbollah put those people in that building and brought the rocket launchers in close by, knowing full well that the launcher would be targeted. That building didn't fall for eight hours after it was hit. What do you bet that the Hezbos finished the job that the Israeli bomb did not actually complete? What do you bet they killed their own people for the PR aspect?
Yes, it does. And that's the only reason I can think of why you and Elfdude are doing this blame-the-victims crap.Soup4Rush wrote:This makes Israel look bad ...
You think?Devil's Advocate wrote:What a load of absolute total and utter bullshit.ElfDude wrote:So we had this episode at Qana. You know who really killed those people are the Hezbos. Hezbollah put those people in that building and brought the rocket launchers in close by, knowing full well that the launcher would be targeted. That building didn't fall for eight hours after it was hit. What do you bet that the Hezbos finished the job that the Israeli bomb did not actually complete? What do you bet they killed their own people for the PR aspect?
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!Me wrote: Visit a VA and see for your self it is absolute hell.
It is just a fucked up world we live in
I think I need clarification. Are you calling the dead civilians victims or the Hezbos?Devil's Advocate wrote:Yes, it does. And that's the only reason I can think of why you and Elfdude are doing this blame-the-victims crap.Soup4Rush wrote:This makes Israel look bad ...
Further bullshit. The media does cover the rockets that Hezbollah fire into Israel. Or they do cover it here, at least. The reason you don't see Israeli victims is that there are far, far fewer of them. Very few of the Hezbollah rockets kill anyone.ElfDude wrote:120 rockets into Israel day before yesterday. Nobody seems to have a care in the world, nobody in the media has one word of condemnation for that. We don't know what targets were hit, we don't know how many people died. The Israelis are not parading their victims around on TV for propaganda purposes. It's obvious what's going on.
We are not the only one. We know this is how Radical Islam plays the game. The Taliban did it. The insurgency in Iraq does it, Bin Laden's group does it. They all hide behind innocent civillians and when the US goes after a military target, innocents die. Then they parade it in front of a CNN camera crew and the whole world thinks America is evil and how the poor Muslims are victims. They are victims alright, but at the hand of their own people. These people are evil and they know how to play the propganda game and CNN and BBC reports it and people like you eat it up with a spoon. Makes me want to puke sometimesDevil's Advocate wrote:Yes, it does. And that's the only reason I can think of why you and Elfdude are doing this blame-the-victims crap.Soup4Rush wrote:This makes Israel look bad ...