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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:09 pm
by awip2062
Yeah, cuz you know the fry bread rocketh!
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:53 pm
by schuette
still never tasted fry bread do you make it again..?
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:59 pm
by awip2062
I will tell ya next time I see you on IM.
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:47 pm
by schuette

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:33 pm
by Kares4Rush
awip2062 wrote:*sigh*
I will tell ya next time I see you on IM.
Why don't you post how to make it here on by-tor for us culinary lovers? I've heard of it for so long. Seen it on TV and all in documentaries but not a specific recipe. I'd LOVE to know how to make it.
Remember many-a-moon-ago a "cooking" thread was up under "General" and several members (including by-tor) posted recipes?
I can dredge that up (unless it was on the old lost board--I don't remember) or you can start a new one!
I don't want to put you on the spot at ALL t, but I'd love to learn how to make it if I could. If you don't want to put a "fambly" recipe out here then I understand but then mebbeh could you PM it to me?
*Kares wants fry-bread*

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:57 pm
by schuette
starting a thread just for you Kares

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:06 am
by CygnusX1
IMHO, the ends just do not justify the means...Sure there were some *offbeat shenanigans* (Edge's [from WWE Wrestling] catch phrase) going on I'm sure, but to taser a man THAT many times...
I can assure you that those jolts he got were not "harmless" by any stretch of the imagination...ANY time you experience electric shock, it jumbles the internal "circuitry" of the body, and ill-effects can happen immediately, or sometimes hide for YEARS to come...Alex could plea for personal damages in court on THAT alone, in addition to the broken nose....It could have affected him for life...And emotionally, I would bet the farm that it HAS...
In other words, "non-lethal" doesn't actually mean NON-HARMFUL...Agree?
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:18 pm
by awip2062
I can post the fry bread recipes if you all want, sure. No probs.
"non-lethal" doesn't actually mean NON-HARMFUL...Agree?"
Yes, I agree with that. Non-lethal merely means it won't kill
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:25 pm
by CygnusX1
hi awip! welcome back...
yeah, it sure has me thinking if he's had any bad health effects since then...come to think of it, he didn't look too happy in R30

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:31 pm
by awip2062
Welcome back? I was here just yesterday.
Mocha, Siggs? I think you might need one. LOL
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:34 pm
by CygnusX1 ignorant of me *SIGGY'S SORRY*:-D
*mmmm....mocha-ey's yours?*
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:48 pm
by awip2062
LOL You are fun, Siggs!
Mine? It is grande. *wink*
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:49 pm
by CygnusX1
NO! not the grrrrrrrrande! you'll be up all night!

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:20 pm
by schuette
The Scottish police are gonna get equipped with tasers.....dont really know how I feel about it.....I've seen some zoomers that deserve it....but I know the police will use it on ppl that dont deserve it..
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:46 pm
by awip2062
It was morning when I had my grande, and I am having sushi bar green tea the now. I may still be up all night, but hubby is ill and we are just going to have a quiet weekend, so, if I find friends about...
Schu, I hear ya. If only we could trust all the people who have them to use them only when needed and appropriately.