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Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 8:22 pm
by awip2062
I only put up Bush and Kerry because those are the two we have been arguing over here, and, as of yet, no one from another party has gotten elected.

Oh, and I forgot to mention I voted for Bush. But, I think anyone who reads here kinda figured I would.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 8:37 pm
by kazzman
Devil's Advocate wrote: Ummmmmm. Yeah, right. You have evidence, I assume? There has certainly been a crime committed: either he did what you say, or you're committing libel right here.
Here's an article that appeared in several newspapers across the country a few weeks ago.

Can we, or should we accept the truth revulsion that we are living through today? While some polititians have shaded the truth some of them still stop at diliberate lies. While tampering did not begin with Bill Clinton's election, an era of sanctioned evasion began in 1992. But only a few spoilsports cared.

The international post-war reputation of the United States for honesty in diplomacy, commerce, law and in-to-day transactions became a joke. A lot of people made money from the financial disasters of Enron, Global Crossing, Xerox, and one or two years passed before one or two culprits faced jail time. The message was loud and clear. In an ethical society is it easy for an unethecal person to become rich and successful; honest has no currency.

John Kerry is certainly following the Clinton Tradition.

Unlike President George W. Bush, former Vice President Al Gore, and most candidates for office, John Kerry refuses to allow the Pentagon to release his militariy records. Speculations are rife, from his Purple Hearts, to criteria from his medals and why John Kerry did not recieve an honorable discharge until March, 2001, nearly 30 years after his service ended on July 1, 1972.

No explanation has been offered.

Informed guys in the Pentagon believe Kerry was originally discharged in the 1970's with a "general" discharge and used his pro-Clinton votes durint the impeachment of Boy-Bill to apply political pressure for an upgrade. Obviously his military records would contain material on his appeal and might explain the 30 year delay.

From the scant information available, John Kerry signed his enlistment contract with the US Navy on Feb 18, 1966. He was discharged from "total active duty" on Jan 3, 1970, with 3 years and 18 days on active duty. On that date he was posted to the Naval Reserve Manpower Center in Bambridge, MD., with "ready reserve" and was required to do 48 drills and 17 days of active duty a year until 1972. That year on July 1, he was transferred to "standby reserve - active" and was discharged from the US Naval Reserve on Feb 16, 1978.

Kerry's friends can and will argue about some of the dates, but here are the irrefutable facts:

*Kerry was a commissiond officer in the US Navy.

*Kerry was an official of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), a self-style revolutionary organization giving aid and comfort to our enemies.

*Kerry was and is a US Senator.

*Kerry was and is in violation of the US Constitution.

In May, 1970, a commissioned officer in the US Navy, John Kerry was in Paris on his honeymoon.

He met with Madame Nguyen Thi Bihn, the Viet Cong's foreign minister. The next month he joined the communist controlled VVAW and helped organize their seditious Winter Soldier hearings in Detriot, along with their march to Washington. These events were designed in rebellion against the US Government and to change its policies.

On April 21, 1971, Kerry, still an officer in the US Navy gave evidence to the Senate Foreign Relations Comittee of his shame of being an American and told horror stories of the behavior of the US Military. Through the next 6 months, Kerry remained active with the VVAW as a leader and a spokesman, appearing on national teleavision to claim that he had been a war criminal and a delegate in meetings with the Viet Cong in Paris.

During this time period, Lt. John Kerry attended many VVAW mettings and mass rallies in which the Viet Cong flag was flown and the US flag desecrated.

He also attended a VVAW conference where the assasination of US senators was discussed. He took no action to disclose that discussion or report it to the FBI, despite the participants planning murder. He did, however, leave before a vote was taken on how to implement the crime.

It could be argued that in 1970 and 1971, John Kerry, an officer in the US Navy, violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 104, Part 904, and the US Code 18 USC 953, for violating the US Constitution.

From these facts, Kerry also may be in direct violation of the 13th Amendment, Section 3 of the Constitution which states "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elected President or Vice President, having previously taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies therof"

Even though it was 33 years ago, the Constitution places no time limit on prosecution. If Kerry places himself in violation of our laws, there are many witnesses available to provide testimony of those events. Lets uncover the revolting truth.

Now, also remember it said that Kerry refused to allow his millitary records to be released. If he doesn't want them to be released, then what exactly is he hiding? Also theres a documentary out there called "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal" that pretty much sums up everything in that article that Kerry almost refused to allow to be shown because it shows the truth about him that he doesn't want to get out. You can view the documentary at

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:59 pm
by Aerosmitten
Bush geds my vote.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 10:33 am
by Devil's Advocate
kazzman wrote:
Devil's Advocate wrote: Ummmmmm. Yeah, right. You have evidence, I assume? There has certainly been a crime committed: either he did what you say, or you're committing libel right here.
Here's an article that appeared in several newspapers across the country a few weeks ago.
When I asked for evidence to support your allegations, what I actually wanted was evidence to support your allegations - not a list of additional unsupported allegations.