Wait and see then. the only advantage Schumacher has is his Germanic methodology. Bizarrely, this works for him in Italian Ferrari. Of course, none of his engineers, or managers are of the 'latin temperament'. If Alonso can overcome his 'latin' handicap then who knows. For instance, come race weekend his times steadily improve all weekend. Contrast Schumacher, whose frst lap is often his best. This rather points to the relative maturities of the respective teams.schuette wrote:while Alonso is good he's not got the raw talent of Schuey....
For anyone else reading this, it's not meant to be racist, but we all have National characteristics. Ask Schuette...

Anyway Schu', how's it goin'? Me and the better half are away to Spain on Thursday. We've got two weeks to do 1,400 miles. In a hired car with a tent. Can't wait! Especially after recent events.
Take care. Say hi to the kids.
P.S. The China track looks awesome!