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Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:45 am
by Panacea
Do we have any plain? Or perhaps mint?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:46 am
by Aerosmitten
Shhh! Don't tell that to SMD! He'll say its peanutbutter :roll:

Did you know Cheap Trick came to our local cassino? :lol:

Och, and drinks are on the house! Ged the ladders!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:47 am
by Aerosmitten
Panacea wrote:Do we have any plain? Or perhaps mint?
We've got EVERYTHNG! What would you like?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:48 am
by PV
*grabs ladder* To the roof!

Hey H, guess what I'm going to try and score, speaking of Cheap Trick? Some tix to see them with ^A^. Maybe I can get both bands to stop by the Pub here and do a pre-show warm up jam?

*puts ladder through window* :oops: whoopsie, too much sugar.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:48 am
by Panacea
How about both? Thanks!

Love the music! :D

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:52 am
by Aerosmitten
Ahh weel...we'll ged Craig to fix the window!

'Smith and Cheap Trick? :lol: That would be funny to see...hope Cheap Trick does a better show than they did at the cassino!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 1:56 am
by PV
Where is Craig? He still running away from the licorice? :roll:

H! Stop playing with the glass! Doesn't your Mum give you any toys?

*gets the butler and cleans up the glass*

I don't want the wrath of Lil Sis on my head if you get hurt!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:00 am
by Aerosmitten
*H hops up on the bar and holds her foot out for Auntie to inspect*

See any glass? :?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:00 am
by PV
You really think I'm going to get close enough to THOSE feet to check? :shock:

CRAIG! Come check H's feet for glass!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:04 am
by Aerosmitten
:cry: I wasned them this mawnin! Honest I did! :cry: :cry: And all I did was run around out by the loch feets smell like the grass and the heather outside!


Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:05 am
by PV
Well if they smell like Heather and grass I'm certainly not getting close! :lol:

Craig, I think she needs a pedicure while you are there.

*tosses Craig scissors and a file*

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:08 am
by Aerosmitten
*H falls off the bar backwards*


Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:09 am
by PV
*Auntie and Craig peer over the bar* :shock:

Aaww... she bumped her widdle head and fell asleep. How cute is she?

*puts blankie on H and gets her Dio doll*

Night night sweet H. See you tomorrow.

*locks door to pub and moseys down the road to home*

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:12 am
by Panacea
*Peers out from under a table* Where did they go? :shock: I can't ged out! :cry:
Well, might as well stay here...

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:18 am
by Aerosmitten
*H wakes up and panics as she is all alone in the pub*

*H geds up and sits back on the bar*

*H sees Pan alseep inthe library corner*

Hmmm...lessee...I have skittles I could put down her ears.. :twisted: ....naw...I'll be good.

*H looks around and finds the whipped cream*

*H whipped creams a table*

How pretty! It snowed!

*H makes a gingerbread house on the "snowey" table*

Hmm...where did them M&M's ged off to? Here they are!

*H "decorates" the table and house with the M&M's*

Aaaaaand some of them nasty black icky things for a walk way....and some gun drops for bushes....aaaaaaaaand sprinkles to make it pretty.....Viola!