Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:43 pm
Ummmm....he is doing it to himself! LOL
It's all about the Rush
I know that, but you get the point.awip2062 wrote:Ummmm....he is doing it to himself! LOL
Thanks for the hugs, guys. Thank you t.awip2062 wrote:Okay, here's one for you, my old next door neighbor, Mark, was being interviewed for television about his cabin burning to the ground. And he LIED about how he built the cabin with his own hands back in 1985! He didn't build that cabin! It had already been there decades when we moved in next door in 1970!
Now, what is up with that? Why would someone lie this way? Wasn't he getting enough attention with the house simply having been burnt?He needed to add to the sorrow and make us think he has it worse than he does?
ElfDude wrote:Kanye West kinda bugs me
He doesn't even get "bag" status in my book- he's worse than that.Walkinghairball wrote:ElfDude wrote:Kanye West kinda bugs me
He was quite a drunken douchenozzle at the MTVVMA. He has apologized a bunch for his debacle. But that seems to be the trend now a days................step on yer weewee and a simple sorry makes the booboo go away.
His mama would have knocked the fade off him for that for sure.
Notice he didn't try it with a ROCK artist....YYZ30 wrote:He doesn't even get "bag" status in my book- he's worse than that.Walkinghairball wrote:ElfDude wrote:Kanye West kinda bugs me
He was quite a drunken douchenozzle at the MTVVMA. He has apologized a bunch for his debacle. But that seems to be the trend now a days................step on yer weewee and a simple sorry makes the booboo go away.
His mama would have knocked the fade off him for that for sure.
The Leon show?Walkinghairball wrote:He almost cried on the Leon show when Jay asked him what his mama would have said to him. It looked genuine to me. He is still a dumbass. And it will take a lot of attaboys to erase this.