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Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 7:13 pm
by Walkinghairball
*names the Husky, "Hairball 2", and fills his doggie bowl with Jagermeister!!*
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 7:14 pm
by Sir Myghin
what is this jagermeister stuffs?
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 7:21 pm
by Walkinghairball
A Krauter - liqueur, Carmel color added, 70 proof, 35% alcohol by volume, Best if served ice cold,kind of tastes like black licorace, takes a little getting used to, but my band INNERSANCTUM treats it like "Life Blood".
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 7:23 pm
by *Lifesonite
Don't let it spill over! The last dude that did that, well, his head rolled...
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 7:27 pm
by Walkinghairball
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 7:28 pm
by Sir Myghin
Walkinghairball wrote:A Krauter - liqueur, Carmel color added, 70 proof, 35% alcohol by volume, Best if served ice cold,kind of tastes like black licorace, takes a little getting used to, but my band INNERSANCTUM treats it like "Life Blood".
ew black licorice... lol
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 7:33 pm
by Walkinghairball
Like I said, takes a littlle gedding used to.
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 7:45 pm
by Sir Myghin
specially for a tea tottler like me
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 8:13 pm
by Orlando's LOVESLAVE
Dont feel bad Sir. I like black licorice, but I don't care for the Jagger. Usually, if I'm already drunk, will I drink the Jagger.
I likes the Smirnoff Ice.
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 10:50 pm
by Aerosmitten
I gots a raspberry and cherry Italian soda watah
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 10:55 pm
by Sir Myghin
i've got cran raspberry juice!
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 11:07 pm
by Aerosmitten
And NO lasangua...
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 11:08 pm
by Sir Myghin
tis a dieing shame eh lassie?
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 11:38 pm
by Aerosmitten
Crying shame.
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 11:43 pm
by *Lifesonite
What about my pizza!?