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Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:21 am
by Walkinghairball
T=Meanie miney moe!!! :cry:

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:22 am
by Soup4Rush
Leon better keep his hairy mitts off me. I'm not that kinda boy. :-D

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:25 am
by 3 travelers
awip2062 wrote:When you roll with the round boy, you get squished! LOL

Stevie.......what do you say?
May I please have my herbs back??

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:45 am
by awip2062
Oh, okay. I suppose, since you asked so nicely.

*hands them back*

But be good!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:12 am
by Walkinghairball
So, I wonder what kind of soup Neil perfers????? :-D

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:25 am
by 3 travelers
Walkinghairball wrote:So, I wonder what kind of soup Neil perfers????? :-D
Whatever soup he loves... is the only soup I'd ever eat...

If my IDOL loves it.... then shall I!!!!

Did I tell you that I'm switching all my cymbals to Paragons...

Just fer the sheer friggin hell of it!!! :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:02 pm
by Walkinghairball
I like my mom's pie and food, all in one. :razz:

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:16 pm
by by-tor
NeilPeartFan wrote:I really can't believe how strick this forum is. Seriously, I'm so used to going to the PDF (Pearl Drummer's Forum) and acting the way I do on here and nobody does anything about whatever I do. And to add, the PDF is in the top 100 forums. Funny, how a forum like this is so strick and so into what they talk about and it isn't even in the top 1000 forums.
If this board was as strict as you seem to think it is, a mod would have taken you to the mat by now.
NeilPeartFan wrote:Go back and re-read your posts.Really though. I'm leaving, never coming back again. I would have thought Rush fans like you could give respect to another Rush fan like me no matter what I did or didn't do.
Respect is a two way street. Most of us here who do play drums (or any instrument) have been doing so long before you were even born, and yet you present yourself as the beat-all, end-all authority on all that is drumming. Do you expect to receive respect by looking down upon others?
NeilPeartFan wrote:C) This board IS strict. Look at other forums compared to this one. The only reason why all of you over-reacted is because you're all a "family" because you only have like 350 members on the whole forum. Its obvious you stick up for someone but you're yet to stick up for me in certain situations.
You opinion on Internet message forums holds about as much water as the rest of the opinions you have offered here.
NeilPeartFan wrote:Its just a matter of oppinion. I didn't state that I was smarter than anyone else, I didn't make fun of anyone, all I did was state my oppinion on the situation.
NeilPeartFan wrote:I am yet to make fun of someone on this forum.
Nah, you've only called people stupid, told them to STFU, and issued such happy commands as to shove a candle up one's ass.
NeilPeartFan wrote:I apologize to one and only one person. If it was that important, By-Tor would have made it public that I said sorry to him for them.
By-Tor didn't make anything public because what is said between myself and somone on this board, in private, remains that way. An adult does not apologize by proxy, and it is not my job to pass 'notes' for you or anyone else on this board. Just because you're a kid doesn't mean you have to be a SNERT; the quicker you learn that, the easier your life will be.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:47 pm
by Soup4Rush
YEAH!!!!!!! What the boss just said, don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out. :finga:

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:14 pm
by 3 travelers
Soup4Rush wrote:YEAH!!!!!!! What the boss just said, don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out. :finga:
I have the only Hard-On right now...

KICK ASS BY-TOR... :smt098

:twisted: :twisted: :-D :-D

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:39 pm
by Walkinghairball

I hate missing this stuff cause o work!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:24 am
by awip2062
LOL Isn't life just SO unfair at times, Bro?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:01 pm
by Walkinghairball

It really, really is!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:12 pm
by awip2062
Need a hug, Bro?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:15 pm
by happysmilies007
wow, i just found this thread, & have come to the conclusion that..

you guys are the coolest!! 8)