Soup4Rush wrote:Holy shit!!! My daughter broke her ankle this weekend. We were delivering papers and she was in the back of our Caravan. I backed into a driveway and it rolled up under the van and the concrete. I heard it snap from the drivers seat. It was the most gruesome thing I have ever seen. Her foot looked like a piece of rubber. She had surgery this weekend and came home yesterday. She is in a cast up to her groin. I do not understand that as it was the ankle that broke. The docs said her age will speed her recovery and she should be healed in 6 to 8 weeks. She is misearable in this heat, can't go swimming nothing. I feel bad since it was me driving.
I hope you feel better soon Schu, I had to share because this is kind of a coincidence.
Sorry about your little girl Soup!!! That's too bad...poor thing...How is she?
[quote="schuette"]well folks my foot is broken......I've got a stooky on for at least 6 weeks and I've to put no weight on my foot at all......only thing is under my arms are bruised already with the crutches and a lot sorer than what my foot a cool stooky though
btw the last pic is the postition I'm gonna be in for most of the time for the next 6 weeks
AWWWW! ((((((SCHU HUGS)))))) I hope you get better soon Schu...Hang tuff, and use the stooky as a weapon if need be! YEAH!!! (((((luvsya)))))
Sorry Kares I didn't see you broke your foot too. Gee wiz we are a sorry lot here At least now I know how you broke it Kares and can now tease you about it hmmmmmmmm na' never mind I will tell all of you how you can tell if there is black ice though. While your driving if you don't see any spray coming up from the wheels on a cold misty winters night you can bet there is going to be black ice, so be kareful.
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.