I think you are quite correct in your assumption?
With the advent of the pc there has been an increase in movement world wide, I would assume?
Other variables to consider; for example when Massachusetts implemented stricter welfare laws
There was an exodus from there? brilliant of the pompous yanks, to say the least!
Then there are government jobs that certain entities enjoy disrupting families, moving them along. Perhaps another study in a socio economic impact or scratching the governors? back? Then there are the snow birds, escaping winters wrath eventually moving
to warmer climates permanently. And of course jobs, education, love and the never ending search for peace of mind.
It sounded like the Scots still have clans? I assume this is not like the gangs we have here, but divided by culture?
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.