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Post by awip2062 »

I think more people are like you than like me, Schu.
Onward and Upward!
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Post by Walkinghairball »

We use the calendar, and honey do lists, that's about it.
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Post by Kares4Rush »

I?m a ?fly by the seat of my pants? gal. But I?m also a ?closet? organizer. In the anal way, at least at work. Mix the two together, CHAOS!!!!

At work?well, I can tell you WHAT grant we gave to WHOM (who?) in 1992 at the drop of a hat and follow what fund it came from and HOW much that fund has grown. Who got What out of WHAT fund and followed the expenses as well as the reports on WHAT they did with the grant money.. Spread sheets and database technology GALORE. I use Outlook at work to remind me WHEN to ask for budgets and WHEN they need to be submitted and I follow those suckers to the penny. Even WHEN I need to water my silly plants on my desk! (not kidding)

This may sound stupid but once I get on the train going home all those tightly-wound coils unravel. I?m a mess. I do the wash when my undie drawer gets low. :) I?m a walking blob (Hey! No personal comments!). I?ll make a half-hearted dinner for me and him (although I LOVE to cook) and call it a day hoping I?ll make up for it on the weekend.

I need to find a happy medium. I KNOW how to do it but I?m so PISSED off at doing it so well in my job that I HATE to bring it home.

Help? :)

Freeze this moment a little bit longer...
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Post by schuette » have quite a day :shock:
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Post by CygnusX1 »

Hey least you leave work--at WORK. You'd be surpirsed how many people can't even do THAT...The bring it home and let it tear apart relationships, etc.....Hat's off to ya for that good habit...

The reason you're not as efficient at home is're not getting PAID for it :-D

Personally, I set aside every day for a different task...weekends aren't OFF in my house....We have lots to do...granted, we sleep in like lots of folks, but the work at home doesn't stop on weekends for us...

Depends on your demographic...make sense?
Don't start none...won't be none.
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Post by Me »

A peep of my day today...

I could hear it getting light as my dream stired me awake from my spirit wandering in search of a reason for tomorrow. I bathed and shaved while the coffee brewed. I glanced out the window admiring the spidery ferris wheels glistening in the morning dew. I retrieved some sliced mellon and berries out of the refrigerator and settled down to breakfast as the sweet smell of the single rose at the table brought a smile of childhood memories to mind.
I decided to go for a walk in the forest near my home. I could smell the trees and honey suckle in bloom. I wandered alone wondering why life has to be such a competition?
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.
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Post by awip2062 »

Hey Kares, I know some people who are totally anal at home and a mess at work, so it can go both ways. Tends to be more the work is organized and home is free-flowing way for most that only organize one. I think that is probably healthier if you are gonna be anal at one and not the other.

I try to keep my anal tendancies such that they help the family and not hurt it (don't want to put expectations on others that are unrealistic). I also plan the watering of the plants! LOL But, with the kids and my mom all needing me to get them different places....if I didn't plan, I would never get people where they needed to be and I would never accomplish all the projects in the balance.
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Post by awip2062 »

Kev, sounds like a beautiful morning.

I don't think life was meant to be a competition though. I think we are meant to be helping each other, not beating each other.
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Post by schuette »

it's not meant to be a competion but unfortunately it usually is.... :(
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